Beta Modpages Unclaimed

Magnum Torch [Legacy Fabric]

Powerful torches to prevent mob spawns around your home in a large area.

Created by Fuzs


Download for 1.19+: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/magnum-torch

📖 About:

Magnum Torch adds three kinds of very powerful torches that prevent mobs from spawning in a huge area. Only natural spawns will be prevented, so e.g. spawners and raids still work as they should.

📚 Contents:

The type of magnum torch you craft defines what kind of mobs will be prevented from spawning. Only new mobs are prevented from spawning, mobs already in the world will not instantly vanish upon placing a magnum torch!

  • Diamond: All monsters, such as zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders, phantoms and so on.
  • Emerald: Passive mobs such as wandering traders and trader llamas (animals are technically affected, but not really, since they only spawn during world gen or from breeding, which are both unaffected by magnum torches)
  • Amethyst: Cave and water mobs, such as bats, all squids, axolotls, and all fish

Even better: Every kind of magnum torch is fully customizable, including effective range, shape to prevent mob spawns in (cuboid, cylinder, ellipsoid), white-/blacklist for individual mobs, type of blocked mobs (monster/water/cave/passive). So if you want you can completely change what the different types do, e.g. have one type only prevent phantom spawns and another solely deal with wandering traders, while the third one disables all kinds of fish. Its completely up to you!

📷 Media:

Three kinds of magnum torches, all prevent different mob spawns    Emerald magnum torch in a village
The item tooltip tells you all important variables you need to know    Crafting a diamond magnum torch
Crafting an emerald magnum torch    Crafting an amethyst magnum torch

💡 FAQ:

Q: How do I configure this mod?
A: Editing configs directly in-game has not yet been implemented. Instead when in a world run the /config showfile <modid> command by choosing either CLIENT or SERVER (depending on the mod), then click the file name (ending with .toml) that appears in chat to be able to manually edit the config file in a separate editor. After saving the file, the config will automatically reload in-game after a couple of seconds, so no game restart required.

🏆 Credits:

Developing Magnum Torch was helped and inspired by:

  • RWTema for inspiring this mod from the magnum torch block found in old versions of their Extra Utilities mod
  • Nyffuuuh23 for creating those dandy textures



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What means Verified?

  • Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
  • Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
  • Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
  • Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
  • Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
  • Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
  • Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
  • License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
  • Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.

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How to Install


Download Forge & Java

Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.



Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.


Add Mods

Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder



You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.

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