
This is a Fabric port of Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0), a mod based around the concept of growing your resources with crops. Use crops to grow essences used to make materials, mob drops, tools, armor and possibly even more!
Forge version:

Vanilla Resources: Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Stone, Dirt, Wood, Ice, Deepsltate, Nature, Dye, Nether, Coal, Coral, Honey, Amethyst, Iron, Copper, Nether Quartz, Glowstone, Redstone, Obsidian, Prismarine, Gold, Lapis Lazuli, End, Experience, Diamond, Emerald, Netherite
Mob Drops: Pig, Chicken, Cow, Sheep, Squid, Fish, Slime, Turtle, Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Spider, Rabbit, Blaze, Ghast, Enderman, Wither Skeleton
Common Resources: Sulfur, Aluminum, Copper, Tin, Bronze, Zinc, Brass, Silver, Lead, Steel, Nickel, Electrum, Invar, Tungsten, Titanium, Chromium, Platinum, Iridium
Applied Energistics 2: Sky Stone, Certus Quartz, Fluix
Industrial Revolution: Nikolite
Modern Industrialization: Antimony
Tech Reborn: Rubber, Ruby, Sapphire, Peridot
Mythic Metals: Adamantite, Aquarium, Banglum, Carmot, Celestium, Durasteel, Hallowed, Kyber, Manganese, Metallurgium, Midas Gold, Mythril, Orichalcum, Osmium, Palladium, Prometheum, Quadrillum, Runite, Stormyx

This section goes over the different things required to get started in Mystical Agriculture.
Inferium Essence & Prosperity Shards

Inferium Essense is one of the two base materials in Mystical Agriculture. It's used in the creation of pretty much everything in the mod. You can usually obtain Inferium Essence by killing hostile or passive mobs, mining it from the ground, or growing it.
Prosperity Shards are the other of the two base materials in Mystical Agriculture. They are used to create magical variations of basic materials. You can usually obtain Prosperity Shards by mining them from the ground.
Infusion Crystal

The Infusion Crystal is used to create higher tier essences.
Inferium Seeds
Inferium Seeds are one of the main ways to collect Inferium Essence. They can be grown on any farmland, but are most efficient on Essence Farmland.

Resource Crops
Resource Crops are the heart and soul of what makes Mystical Agriculture so great. However, there are some special properties of resource crops that should be noted:
- Resource Crops cannot be grown using Bone Meal
- Resource Crops do not drop a second seed unless planted on Essence Farmland

Resource Crops are usually created using an Infusion Altar.
Essence Farmland
Essence Farmland increases the output efficiency of Mystical Agriculture crops in multiple ways. You can create it by either right-clicking on Farmland in-world with an essence or by crafting it.
- Crops will have a 10% chance to drop a second seed when planted on any tier Essence Farmland.
- Crops will have a 20% chance to drop a second seed when planted on the corresponding tier Essence Farmland.
- Inferium Seeds will drop more essences when planted on higher tier Essence Farmland.

Growth Accelerator
Growth Accelerators are used to increase plant growth speed. They apply random growth ticks to the first plant placed above them within the specified range. You can stack multiple Growth Accelerators of any tier as long as the plant is within range.

Watering Can
Watering Cans are used to accelerate crop growth using manual labor. To fill one up, simply right click on a Water source block.

Infusion Altar
The Infusion Altar is a crafting structure that is usually used to create Mystical Agriculture seeds. The structure consists of 1 Infusion Altar and 8 Infusion Pedestals.
Once you have a recipe put in place, you just need to activate the altar with a Redstone signal.

Placing the Infusion Altar in world will show you where to place your pedestals.
Fertilized Essence

Fertilized Essence usually drops from all Resource Crops except Inferium. It works identically to Bone Meal, but also works on Resource Crops!
Fertilized Essence can also be used to more efficiently craft Mystical Fertilizer.
This section goes over some of the more advanced content that comes after you've gotten established.
Mystical Fertilizer

Mystical Fertilizer is used to instantly grow a crop or sapling. It's effective on Resource Crops too!
Master Infusion Crystal

The Master Infusion Crystal has infinite durability. You want this, I know you do.
Essence Watering Cans

Upgrading the regular Watering Can with esssences and Mystical Fertilizer improves your farming experience a ton.
Upgraded Watering Cans have improved range and growth acceleration speed. You can also toggle automatic watering by Shift + Right Clicking with the Watering Can while not targeting a block.
This section goes over the Nether content as well as the mob soul content required for creating and using mob drop based crops.
Soulstone is a special kind of stone that spawns in the Nether. It generates in large veins at all Y levels.
Soulstone is a decorative block with many variants. It is also required to create Witherproof Blocks.

It can also be smelted into Soul Dust, which has many uses as well.
Witherproof Blocks
Witherproof Blocks are unbreakable by the Wither. Very useful for those who like to cheese bosses.
They are also immune to damage from the Ender Dragon, however it can still fly through them.

Soulium Dagger
The Soulium Dagger is used to collect souls from mobs. These souls are collected using Soul Jars. Souls are collected by killing mobs withe Soulium Dagger.
The Soulium Dagger grants +50% more souls from peacful creatures.

Soul Jars
Soul Jars are used in combination with a Soulium Dagger to collect mob souls. Filled Soul Jards can be used to create Resource Crops for the corresponding entity.

This section goes over the different machine type blocks in Mystical Agriculture.
Essence Furnaces
Upgrading a regular Furnace with essences will increase its cooking speed and fuel efficiency.

Seed Reprocessors
Seed Reprocessors are used to convert your excess seeds into their respective essences. They run off of solid fuels and have an internal porwer storage buffer.

This sections goes over Essence Tools/Armor as well as the tinkering system.
Essence Tools
Upgrading your Diamond tools with essence improves their durability and mining speed. This also allows them to be equipped with Augments.
Essence Tools can be repaired in an Anvil with their corresponding Essence Ingot. These tools each have 1 augment slot.

Essence Armor
Upgrading your Diamond armor with essence improves their durability and protection. This also allows them to be equipped with Augments.
Essence Armor can be repaired in an Anvil with their corresponding Essence Ingot. These armor pieces each have 1 augment slot.

Tinkering Table
The Tinkering Table is used to add Augments to Essence Tools and Essence Armor.

Augments are upgrades for Essence Tools and Essence Armor. You add Augments to your gear using a Tinkering Table.
Each Augment has a tier assigned to it, designating the minimum tier of gear peace required to equip it.

You can see what each Augment does in the 'Augments' section of this guide.
This section goes over each of the Augments and what they do.
Absorption Augment
The Absorption Augment is an armor augment that grants the user 2-10 Absorption hearts every 8 minutes while they have the armor quipped.
Health Boost Augment
The Health Boost Augment is an armor augment that adds 2-10 hearts to the wearer while they have the armor equipped.
Night Vision Augment
The Night Vision Augment is a helmet augment that grants the wearer Night Vision while they have the armor equipped.
Pathing AOE Augment
The Pathing AOE Augment is a shover augment that increases the area that the shovel creates Path blovks, up to 9x9. The AOE is activated by sneaking while using the shovel.
Jump Boost Augment
The Jump Boost Augment is a boots augment that increases the wearers jump height while they have the armor equipped.
Speed Augment
The Speed Augment is a leggings augment that inscreases the wearers movement speed while they have the armor equipped. This effect is also applied to flight speed.
Mining AOE Augment
The Mining AOE Augment is a tool augment that increases the area that the tool breaks blocks, up to 9x9. Sneaking while breaking a block will negate the AOE effect.
No Fall Damage Augment
The No Fall Damage Augment is a boots augment that negates all fall damage for the wearer while they have the armor equipped.
Tilling AOE Augment
The Tilling AOE Augment is a hoe augment that increases the area that the hoe creates Farmland blocks, up to 9x9. The AOE is activated by sneaking while using the hoe.
Fire Resistance Augment
The Fire Resistance Augment is an armor augment that grants the wearer Fire Resistance while they have the armor equipped.
Step Assist Augment
The Step Assist Augment is a leggings or boots augment that enables the wearer to walk up 1 block heights without jumping while they have the armor equipped.
Strength Augment
The Strength Augment is a sword augment that increases the amount of damage the sword deals by 5-20.
Attack AOE Augment
The Attack AOE Augment is a sword augment that inscreases the attack radius of the sword by up to 6 blocks.
Poison Resistance Augment
The Poison Resistance Augment is an armor augment that prevents the wearer from getting poisoned while they have the armor equipped.
Mining Fatigue Resistance Augment
The Mining Fatigue Resistance Augment is ana rmor augment that prevents the wearer from getting the Mining Fatigue effect while they have to armor equipped.
Wither Resistance Augment
The Wither Resistance Augment is an armor augment that prevents the wearer from getting the Wither effect while they have the armor equipped.
Flight Augment
The Flight Augment is a chestplate augment that gives the wearer creative flight while they have the armor equipped.
For bug reporting please proceed to the mod's GitHub repository:
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to text me on Discord @alexsa1000
You can find me in the Cafeteria Development guild.

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What means Verified?
Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.
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How to Install
Download Forge & Java
Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.
Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.
Add Mods
Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder
You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.