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[Axanthic Game Studios] Eternal Frost 2: Core of Ice

Dimension mod aiming to provide a new experience centered around freezing temperature

Created by Poiuytrezay


This is a reupload of the original mod. This is not aimed to be maintained, and you might still encounter some bugs associated with the older versions. If this gets enough traction, I will consider fixing up the 1.7.10. Refer to the "Maintenance and Future" section below if you are a developer willing to update the mod to later versions.

Please be so kind as to
 comment your thoughts about the project if you have taken the time to check this thread (if you like it, click on the thread post).

This mod is a "dimension mod".

It adds the ability to teleport to another dimension called "Eternal Frost". Craft the "flint and diamond" to teleport there and create a normal nether portal filled with ice obsidian instead of obsidian. Then, use the flint and diamond to make the portal appear like you would a normal nether portal. In the Eternal Frost dimension, you'll end up underground or overworld in a beautiful world made ​​of various blocks going from deeply frozen stone to bitterly freezing water that'll hurt you on touch. Everything the overworld or the nether has to offer gets its counterpart in this dimension.

To survive in this hostile environment, you must start from zero and climb up the technology tree to face the two bosses of the dimension.

Read this before playing the mod:

How to enter the dimension

The mod offer a new new mechanic: Hypothermia. How does it work? It follows the same principle as hunger. As you explore the dimension, you'll get colder and colder until your start taking damage. To replenish it, you need to stand close to a heat source (like fire, torch, heatstone....).

What block, what tool?

If you mine blocks without the proper tool, it won't successfully drop. In order: Snowbark Tools > Frozen Cobblestone Tools > Arctite Tools > Crystal Tools > Coldsteel Tools. Here is the list of tools and mineable blocks:

Every Pickaxe (can mine)
Frozen cobble
Frozen stone
Deepfrozen ice
Ice oven/Deepfreezer

At least Frozen cobble tools (can mine)

Arctite ore
Frozen brick things
Frozen button
Spawners and all spawners yet to come in the Eternal frost

At least Arctite tools (can mine)
Bluestone ore
Crystal ore
Block of Crystal
Bluestone lamp

At least Crystal tools
Can mine everything

In order to find the biomes on the screenshots, you just have to climb up to layer 180+. There is a surface above the nether-like world.

In order to be able to challenge a dungeon, you'll have to find a "dungeon block" and mine it with anything.

Other mechanics
You can find different mobs depending on your height: the more you dig down, the more you'll encounter aggressive mobs. Passive mobs will be found on the surface.


What the mod is adding:

  • 1 Dimension: The Eternal Frost, with an epic generation who goes up to layer 256!
  • 83 Blocks (without the variations): Every block is different and some are totally awesome!
  • 127 Items: From simple sticks to epic dungeon drops.
  • 5 Complete Toolsets: Snowbark Tools > Frozen Cobblestone Tools > Arctite Tools > Crystal Tools > Coldsteel Tools
  • 19 new mobs: Fury Boars, Glaces, Ice Cubes, Ice Pig Zombies, Cold Creepers, Frostbite Spiders, Scarabs, Snow Owls, Goats, Horned Goats, Woolly Mammoths, Yetis, 2 bosses (And one boss minion), Saber Tigers, Arctic Foxes, Polar Bears, and Eternal Frost Villagers
  • 2 Furnaces: Ice Oven which can freeze things into Eternal Frost items, and Frozen furnace which can reheat them.
  • Structures: Villages + 2 Epic Dungeons to conquer, the caverns have been reworked to fit the mod.
  • Many generation patterns (Icicles, Trees, Lakes, Rivers, ...)
  • Epic items and armors to obtain in dungeons, totally unique.
  • Hypothermia mechanics: Don't let your heart grow cold.
  • 25 new sounds and 4 new music.
  • 14 achievements: To make this mod challenging.
  • 8 Biomes, on the surface for epic exploration: You'll have to discover them yourself.
  • Secrets to discover.
  • A lot of things that aren't in this list ... (A humongous list trust me, impossible to write every additions)


/!\ There are no videos on the latest version of the mod for now. Feel free to suggest some of them /!\

Keep in mind that a lot of those screenshots are outdated and may not reflect the mod properly.









Installation Instructions

  1. Make sure to install Forge Universal 1.7.10
  2. Download the mod from curse and install
  3. Play and enjoy!

Version History


  • Crashing at startup bug fixed, also there's some gameplay fixes but I don't remember what that was.



  • Lot of issues fixed (Dungeon block who can be used for griefing, render ID who conflict with others mods, mobs name who may conflict, some crash upon taking magic damage ...)


v 2.0b4

  • Bugs fixed (Permanent blur, server crash with water, one little issue with the cold protection mechanic)

v 2.0b3

  • Config file is now working.
  • Lot of bugs fixed (Hypothermia blur, server is working, bosses bar ...)
  • New blurs (Warm blur, when you're warming and recovering hypothermia)
  • Eternal Frost creative tab added
  • Now hypothermia and cold protection bar are configurable (Default keybind to 'P')


v 2.0b2
Compatibility with Twilight Forest.

v 2.0b1

  • 3 new mobs (Animated, textured, modelled).
  • Overlays ! (Freezing and warming).
  • Lot of retexturing to make it cooler and better.
  • Lot of rebalancing.
  • Lots of bugfixes and lagfixes.
  • Lots of new blocks.
  • Lots of new items.
  • Lots of new armors.
  • New biomes.
  • New generations.
  • Huge hypothermia update. (Now there is cold protection and effect when hypothermia is low)
  • 1.7.10 compatibility.
  • Happy Christmas !


v 1.9b1 :

  • As always, a lot of bugs corrected.
  • Support for 1.6.4 version of minecraft.
  • Better dungeon, fit more with SMP.
  • I'm now working on the EF2..


v 1.8b2 :

  • One hard fix for a texture bug.
  • Few bug corrected.


v 1.8b1 :

  • Compatibility with 1.6.2
  • Lot of bugs fixes who made the mod almost stable.
  • Some fail gameplay repaired.


v 1.7b2 :

  • Lots of bug fixes for server.


v 1.7b1 :

  • Still a lot of bug corrected ( Enchantment table, texture missing, wrong animation, the block missing in the config ... )
  • Added item ID config, look on the config.
  • The configuration file has been modified, now there is two part for the block ID : The -256 and the normal.
  • More compatibilities with the modification of the config
  • Added Saber Tiger.
  • Mammoth reworked : Better texture ( Yes it is ! ), bigger, now he has an animation.
  • Fury boar animation.
  • Villagers added, they have their own texture and make awesome exchange.
  • Generation is less buggy.
  • Less lag overall.
  • More I can't remember 

v 1.6b2 :

  • Lots of annoying bug corrected ( For example the enchant table book texture missing, the config who didn't work, some crash with the mobs ... )
  • Config reworked, new name wich is "mod_EternalFrost.cfg" still in the config folder, new addition like desactivate hypothermia bar.
  • The mod is now a zip file !! Wich mean no conflict with other mod except block, biome, item ..
  • Lot more you have to discover yourself



  • Generations ameliored, villages added ( More to come in them ), caves in the overworld like generation added with, of course, a new biomes ( Eternal Desert )
  • A new epic item : Magical harp, throw notes with different power and sound 
  • Lot of bug corrected ( Like the SMP portal bug ), some of "gameplay bug" corrected too ( Like the hardness on some blocks )
  • Texture finally finished, all of them fit with others to make an awesome look.
  • Herobrine Added.
  • Page of the mod reworked to be more attractive and beautiful.
  • With of course SMP update
  • Mob now die normally and not in a weird way.
  • A lot, really a lot more I can't remember
     ( Hard to follow all new features, and then you have surprise when you discover them 


v 1.5b3 :

  • Corrected a stupid texture bug.



  • SMP update, all known bug on server has been corrected.
  • Lot of bug corrected.
  • Some vanilla class wich has been modified are not used more, maybe for a future folder update
  • Gameplay a bit updated, scarab on leaves for example.
  • Texture have been a time more reworked for fit more with the mod.
  • Much more I can't remember.



  • Health bar for boss, the texture is made by me and maybe it'll be changed
  • Texture remade, not all things but a lot.
  • Effect when wear all the epic armor ( aura thing )
  • A new weather : Blizzard, desactivated by default due to massive lag it cause.
  • New particle ( For blizzard ) : Snow like
  • TNT render bug corrected
  • Frozen enchantement added ! Now you can have 'Frost Sharpness X' in your sword ( Enchant are two time better )
  • 5 new blocks : Frozen Grass, Tall grass, Frozen flower, Eternal Enchantement Table ( For the enchantement, very hard to obtain ) and Eternal Obsidian ( Found on dungeon rarely to craft the table)
  • 1 new item to craft the enchantement table : Frozen Relic ( Found on dungeon rarely )
  • A surface : Now we have a generation of cave at the layer 0 to 128 and a overworld generation like at the layer 128 to 256.
  • Since we have a surface, we have biomes : 4 Biome configurable, Freezer, Freezer Jungle, Eternal Moutain and Frozen Plain ( More to come ...)
  • Dimension ID is now configurable for less imcompatibility.
  • Load of bugs corrected, less lag.
  • Much more I can't remember.


- Some bug corrected, don't want to make the list XD - Updated to 1.4.4

Lot of bug corrected :
- The hypotermia bar who didn't work
- The portal who teleport you weirdly
- The texture bug- Some generation like the biome hill replaced by the biome freezer- And lot more but didn't remember these

Bunch of bugs corrected, remake of the gameplay :
- Cold Knight and Queen Spider now spawn some mob when you fight them.
- Chest on dungeon are remake, making them less buzay
- Eggs have now different colours
- Mammoth has now some epic drop
- More tree now spawn
- Finally server work

v1.3b3: ALL BUGS corrected, the most hard work for correct them has been put in this version 

v1.3b2: Few bugs corrected.

v1.3: - New monsters : Yeti, Woolly mammoth, goat and horned goat, new boss for the new dungeon ( A giant Queen Spider )- New generation : A New epic dungeon ( Ice castle, a spider dungeon with a good difficulty cause of the cobweb =), ("mammoth cavern with a mammoth spawner ^^" = not yet implanted ), some cool generation for make the world more pretty.- New items : The new monsters drops =) Also 2 new records.- New bar : Hypothermia bar, you simply have cold when you are too far of a blue fire. Also a blizzard weather, but removed due to lag ( This will be problably corrected in the week )- LOT of bug fixed : Like efficiency on frozen dirt, crystal ore unminable, boar bug on die, ... Lots of sounds added : Boss music,some not implanted ( Ambiance sounds ), records now work.- Lag removed, you gain like 40 fps. They were due to the dungeon generation so I changed it and replace it by a simple dungeon block who make a random dungeon ( Between the first and the new ) and finded like a emerald ore ( But at layer 0-128 )- Now use only forge, and with SMP update ! That's pretty all. I've problably forget a lot.

v1.2: So lot of features :

- Many bugs corrected ( Door can now be placed, monster now drop items, snow owl now make sound ... ) with a new block : Ice Obsidian, who is used for th NEW portal ( Same as the ancient but now use Ice Obsidian )

- Lot Of new cools Items : 2 Set of God armor ( Do special effect on wearing, see Items on screenshots ), Teleport Ring, Snow Blower, Ice rod, Ice ball Staff, lot of recipes have been fixed and they are more ...

- Some Generation fixed, now lot of thins has sound ! I've completed the music for the boss on the 1st dungeon, and make him has sound, sound is less buggy, I've begin to add ambiance on the Eternal Frost who problably play sometime, some retexture ( Like the crystal or the Ice shard ) and Even more ( I've forgotten problably a lot of things )

v1.1: - Cold TNT, cold gunpowder, blue clay, snowbark and arctite door, snowbark bowl, snowbark ladder, correct LOT OF BUGS ( Example less ram cause my optimisation of my codes, particle on breaking block is now normal, when you throw the thor hammer you see an hammer ... )- Generation fixed : Dungeon is less laggy, better generation ( it's now the generation like the 0.6 ), icicle is more icicle like, boss now make the dungeon unbreakable when you enter on his room ...- Texture fixed, achievements worked and are available, recipes are available too.- Owl meat changed to ham, frozen furnace is available, cold dispenser work, config file added cause my mod use lot of ID ( New is to create metadata object for gain lot of IDs ), frozen coal ore and frozen coal added, frozen record now work perfect =), added lot of smelting and chilling, snowbark sign added and work, and problably even more but I don't know what now >.< .But I still have one bug : Audio mod [profanity="­"]ing work when he want >.< He don't let me to use him for custom sound for monster.

v 1.0.1: Fixed some mistake, recipe miss added, image miss added, Also snowbark chest added.

v 1.0: Fixed lot of bugs, 5 blocks ( Frozen Piston, frost wheat block, cobble stair and slab, snowbark slab ), reduce lag in dimension ( Reduce a lot of lag ), remake of generation ( Better look ), Achivement added ( cannot be obtained for now >.< ), crystal arrow added, bluefire now do damage on contact ^^, new record ( It don't do anything for now, but if you find one keep it =), water has her color changed, now block must be mined by specific tool.SMP updtated too. ( Not downloadable, don't work, view 1.0.1 )

v06: 1 new monster ( Scarab ), fixed some bugs, 1 block ( Frozen dirt now tillable ), 1 armor ( Secret =) ), 4 item ( icy strawberry seed, frozen seed, frost wheat, frost wheat bread ), add fog ambiance blue-ish in the dimension, some remake of generation, 2 new farming ( icy strawberry farming with 5 stage, frost wheat farming with 8 stage ).And biggest one : SMP UPDATE !!!

v05: Add smelting to the deepfreezer ( New name of the ice oven ), 2 new monsters ( frosbite spider and cold creeper ), fixed some bugs, 6 block ( Icy strawberry leaves, mossy frozen stone / light, frosty reed, bluestone torch and snowbark sapling ), 3 armors ( Pelt, crystal and arctite ), 6 item ( icy strawberry, glace rod, glace powder, snowbark bow, blue spider eye and frozen pear ), 2 new gen ( frosty reed and icy strawberry leaves ), now use Forge, removed frozen wood stuff, also lot of remake/rename.

v04: Add lot of smelting in the Ice Oven, Snowbark wood things ( Block, Bookshelf fence and stairs ), fix some bug, 1 new monster ( Fury Boar ), 2 new ore ( Arctite who will be smelt, Bluestone same as redstone ), 2 new tools ( Arctite and snowbark ), 3 block ( Frozen Dirt, Clear ice and Bluestone Lamp ( Same as the redstone one ) ), Frozen button, Frozen lever ( Sorry for texture ) , Frozen Glowstone Torch ( Sorry for texture ) and I think that's all =) AND 1.2.5 update !!

v03: Add Bridge gen ( Lot of working ... ), Frozen Brick things ( Block, fence and stairs ), Frozen Wooden plank things ( Crafting table, fence and stairs ), fix some bug and 2 new monsters ( Freezer Cube and Blaze ).

v02: Add Tree gen, Frozen Wooden plank, Crystal Block, Ice Oven, Crystal Bucket and fix some bug.

v01: First Release, compatibility with MC 1.2.4.


Modpack permissions

The code of “Eternal Frost for Minecraft” in source or binary form is the intellectual property of Poiuytrezay. See below for copyright, terms and conditions.

In order to use Eternal Frost in your mod pack:
1. You cannot make any money off of the mod pack.
2. You cannot claim that you made any part of the mod, and you must give proper credit to the author of the mod (Poiuytrezay).
3. The author "Poiuytrezay" reserves the right to ask for the immediate removal of the mod from any mod pack using it

Should these conditions be met, you have the right to use Eternal Frost in any of your modpacks.


Poiuytrezay: Most of everything
MinecraftPlaye: Modding.
Dylan4ever: Ideas for the mod.
Pastorale: Modeler/Generation.

With the help of Team Melanistic (2015).

Maintenance and Future (see here if you wish to get permission to port Eternal Frost to newer versions)

The Eternal Frost Mod was a classic Minecraft dimension mod released around 10 years ago. It later received an updated and rewritten version called Eternal Frost 2, which was most prolific on Minecraft version 1.7.10. Since then, it has mostly been forgotten, but not by the large player base it had accumulated back in the day. Axanthic Game Studios, the modding team behind Lands of Icaria, is a direct continuation of Team Melanistic and retains all the rights to the classic mods from back in the day (BicBiomeCraft, Landscapecraft, CandyWinterGenesis, Eternal Frost, Eternal Frost 2, Minecraft Evolution, and more).


Now and then, modders and legacy modding teams ask permission to update Eternal Frost to recent Minecraft versions. With a few exceptions years ago (that didn't go anywhere), such requests have always been denied, and thus, only one person (apart from the team) currently has permission to update/port Eternal Frost.


While the possibility of getting permission will always be there, there are several reasons why we're not handing out permission lightly. Old Eternal Frost 2 is not up to current Minecraft modding standards. As such, many aspects of the mod would need to be overhauled, including but not limited to: gameplay, assets, scope of the mod, mobs and their AI, selection of features, etc.


While a classic in its old form, Eternal Frost is not one of those mods that should ever be brought to 1.12.2 and newer versions as a "one and done" kind of deal. It deserves better. If Eternal Frost were ever to be updated, it would need to be done properly. If you want to port Eternal Frost to newer versions:

  • It should not just be put on 1.12.2, but ideally also on the latest release of Minecraft.
  • The essence of the mod on 1.12.2 would have to remain the same and be given a polish but mostly remain untouched (this mainly means the theme and world generator).
  • The first public release would require the team's approval -- to verify it hasn't been Rian Johnsoned.
  • The developers of the new version would have to:
    • Include copyright and give credit to the original authors
    • Give the right to veto creative decisions
    • Give the right to take down the project if it is deemed dead (no major updates in over a year).


Today, our vision for any potential future of Eternal Frost would be as follows:


If a 1.12.2 version were to be made, it'd be Eternal Frost 2.5. It would mostly provide version parity with 1.7.10, while getting a partial asset overhaul and bringing some other features up to our 1.12.2 modding standards (as seen on Lands of Icaria).


If a 1.20+ version were to be made, it'd be Eternal Frost 4. It would extent far beyond version parity with 1.7.10, getting almost a complete asset overhaul, getting rid of some of the features that don't fit into modern MC modding doctrine anymore, and introducing a whole host of new features such as potentially new and improved mobs that fit the environment, a new biome or two, new structures / improved dungeons, a much improved NPC presence, different workstations, and more.


Why Eternal Frost 4 you may ask? As Team Entership, the direct successor to Team Melanistic (and predecessor of Axanthic Game Studios), we already previously attempted to create a new version of Eternal Frost called Eternal Frost 3, which would've revolutionised the concept. However, the scope for that was way too big and too far removed from the essence of Eternal Frost 2, so development ceased, and Eternal Frost 3 was abandoned. Many lessons were learned from that, which helped keep the development of Lands of Icaria steady (and it still is, with our 1.20 port being well underway).


If you're a modder or modding team seeking permission, please contact PsychedeliCon through the Lands of Icaria Discord, or myself directly.


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What means Verified?

  • Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
  • Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
  • Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
  • Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
  • Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
  • Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
  • Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
  • License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
  • Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.

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How to Install


Download Forge & Java

Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.



Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.


Add Mods

Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder



You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.

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