For the latest news, updates and discussion about wizardry, join the official Discord server!
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This mod is no longer being worked on by me (Electroblob). However, a team of kind volunteers are working on a port, initially aiming for Minecraft 1.19.2. Join the Discord server for regular progress updates, or if you are interested in helping out!
This CurseForge page will remain the home of the mod for 1.12.2 and older. The official ported version will be linked once it has been released. Watch this space!
Greetings, wizards! Are you looking for a magic mod for Minecraft, but don't want the hassle that comes with many of the magic mods out there? Do you want to freeze skeletons solid, engulf zombies in slime, and pull creepers into an interdimensional vortex? Do you just want a cool hat to wear?

Wizardry isn't like most magic mods. It has very few crafting recipes and no complex constructions - instead, you progress by exploring and fighting. Find spell books, wands and scrolls! Visit fellow wizards and buy rare magical items! Explore ancient ruins in search of rare and powerful artefacts! Master the arcane and collect every single spell!

...actually, that last one might take you a while - there are currently 188 spells in wizardry and counting, and each of them is totally unique! If that's not enough spells for you, the mod is designed for more spells to easily be added via add-on mods, or as I like to call them, spell packs. See below for a list of currently available spell packs, or, if you know how to program a Forge mod, you can even add your own!
As well as finding new spells, there is a world of upgrades, wands, armour and special items to explore - but I'll let you discover that for yourself...
To get started, you'll need to find a magic crystal (hint: you can mine them, but there is a quicker way to find one). Craft this with a book and you'll get your very own wizard's handbook, which will tell you everything you need to know.
For the best experience, Baubles is recommended. Wizardry also adds custom markers to Antique Atlas!
Check out The Gamer Hobbit's video below, and click the little playlist icon for more showcases, reviews and let's plays featuring wizardry!
Many thanks to all the youtubers who have made videos featuring Wizardry!
FAQs (Please read these before commenting or reporting a bug)
Q: "Can I use this mod in my modpack?"
A: Of course you can! If you release a modpack containing Wizardry, please credit me (Electroblob) and provide a link to this page, as per the license.
Q: "When will you update this mod?" / "Please port this mod to [Minecraft version]"
A: Please be patient - I develop this mod single-handedly and for the fun of it, and as with almost all modders, my time is often taken up with other commitments. I will get to newer game versions in due course, and I do periodically release patches to fix issues. I don't have the time to work on these things constantly, but please don't think the mod is abandoned if I haven't updated it in a while! Comments that only ask for a port will not be replied to.
Q: Is this mod compatible with X?
A: Almost certainly yes. Yep, even other magic mods (in fact, that makes absolutely no difference). Please only ask me about compatibility if something went wrong!
Q: Can I retrogen the structures/ores into an existing world?
A: Yes, this should work fine. The names of the world generators are: WorldGenCrystalOre, WorldGenCrystalFlower, WorldGenWizardTower, WorldGenObelisk, WorldGenShrine, WorldGenLibraryRuins, WorldGenUndergroundLibraryRuins
Q: How do I switch spells on a wand?
A: Either sneak + scroll with your mouse, or use the N and B keys (these can be changed in options -> controls).
Q: What does [insert spell here] do?
A: Some of the spell descriptions are intentionally vague. If you're stuck, check out the list of spells.
Q: How do I use the transportation spell?
A: See the wiki page.
Q: "I disabled a spell in the config, but the book is still there!"
A: This is intentional. Spell books use their metadata to specify which spell they are. When you disable a spell, the book stays there to prevent all the existing spell books from changing their spells. Don't worry, the book won't be obtainable in survival mode while the spell is disabled (unless it's already been generated), and you won't be able to cast the spell either.
Q: "How do I get spell books? Nothing has a crafting recipe!"
A: You have to find them! Mobs will drop them as rare loot, you can find them in dungeon chests and you can buy them from wizards, who spawn in randomly generated towers. I recommend playing wizardry alongside a mod that adds dungeons, so that there are more places to find spell books.
Q: "The spell HUD is in the way of a HUD from another mod!"
A: There's a config option to change the position of the spell HUD. Click on 'mods' from the main menu, find Electroblob's Wizardry in the list and click configure. The option 'Spell HUD Position' is the one you want. Alternatively, edit the config file manually with a text editor.
Q: "The crafting recipe for the blank scroll conflicts with one from another mod!"
A: If you're using 1.12.2 or newer, you can change the recipe using the world data folder/data packs (I recommend adding a magic crystal to guarantee uniqueness). In earlier versions, there's an alternative recipe that can be enabled in the config, which requires a magic crystal. Click on 'mods' from the main menu, find Wizardry in the list and click configure. The option 'Use Alternate Scroll Recipe' is the one you want. Alternatively, edit the config file manually with a text editor.
Q: "The game crashed! Please help!"
A: You've probably heard this loads of times before, but please post your crash report, preferably using the issue tracker. Please read the guidelines on there before posting. There are also some issue templates to help you with what to write. If the problem happened because of a specific spell, I suggest disabling that spell for the time being, which can be done via the config. Please also make sure you have the latest version of the mod for the game version you are using - if you complain about a bug I've already fixed in a later version, I'm not going to help you!
Q: [1.7.10] I installed Custom NPCs/Ars Magica 2 and the game crashed!
A: Go into Wizardry's config file (or Custom NPCs' config file, either will work) and change the enchantment IDs. Please do not pester me about it!
Q: "I have an idea for a spell. Can you add it?"
A: Please put it in the comments! I'm always on the lookout for good ideas. If I think it's good enough and fits with how I want the mod (and is something I can program!), I might add it. If not, someone might see it and decide to put it in a spell pack. Alternatively, if you know how to program a mod you can add it yourself - see the addon development tutorials for details on how to do this.
Q: Can you make a version for Minecraft 1.8/1.9?
A: No, sorry.
Q: "Does this mod collect any data/have an update checker?"
A: No.
Modpacks: Of course! You can include wizardry in any modpack, just be sure to credit me and provide a link to this page - pretty standard stuff. You may make money off of modpacks via curseforge rewards or donations.
Videos and reviews: Yes please! I look for new videos to feature in the mod's description from time to time, but if you'd particularly like your video to be featured, put a link in the comments and I'll check it out! Please also put a link to this page in the video description so that viewers can download the mod. You may make money off of videos featuring wizardry.
Addons / texture packs: Absolutely! If you've made an addon or texture pack, let me know and I'll add it to the list below! More information on developing addons can be found on the wiki, and you can give me a shout here or on Discord if you have any development questions. You may make money off of addons or texture packs via curseforge rewards or donations.
Servers: Yes, wizardry is designed with multiplayer in mind! You are welcome to install wizardry on your server, and you may make money from that server through adverts, paid ranks, donations etc., provided that players do not have to pay to access content from the mod. Things like purchased kits are generally okay but please ask me to be sure.
Reposting: You may post a 'mod listing' for wizardry using the original download link. However, you may not re-host the mod files, modified or otherwise, without explicit written permission from me (Electroblob). Re-hosting is sometimes necessary for players in some countries to download the mod - if you would like to do this, please ask me.
Source code license: See the GitHub repository.
Commercial use: You may not make money off of wizardry in any way unless explicitly stated above, be it via an link or otherwise. I will never put the mod behind a URL shortener myself either, so if you find wizardry behind or similar, it's not an authorised source.
A note about reposts: CurseForge, and the Minecraft forum are currently the only authorised pages for this mod and the only pages for which I am responsible. All three pages link to the same download on CurseForge. I kindly ask that you do not download wizardry from any other website, since doing so does not support me as the mod author and downloads from such websites may be harmful to your computer. For more information and a list of websites known to repost mods without permission, go to
If you are unsure about anything permission-related, please ask. I'm always happy to answer questions, and chances are I'll say yes 🙂
Electroblob's Wizardry
A modification for Minecraft by Mojang AB
Designed, coded and textured by Electroblob
Thanks to Minecraft Forge and MCP, without which this mod would not have been possible.
Thanks also to the Minecraft modding community, which always has an answer to my modding problems!
In addition, I'd like to thank the following individuals for their contributions to the mod:
Discord Moderators (and all-round awesome people)
- FavouriteDragon
- WinDanesz
- Corail31
- 12foo
- Shadows-of-Fire
- HellFirePvP
- Tora-B
- Avatair
- Aeronica
- UltraHex
- Azim-Palmer
- raoulvdberge
- rafasoares
- xinyuan-liu
- SettingDust
- Aralu115
- Spanish: MadWrist, Alsentar
- Mexican Spanish: MadWrist
- Russian: VilagVil, kellixon, bigenergy, MugGod2, DrHesperus
- French: Hahdrim, Crowller
- Brazilian Portuguese: lorrampi
- Chinese (Simplified): ZHENGLOC, dragon-evol, Hokorizero, TUsama, Determancer
- Korean: shejery, rewi_wire, 방통, red1854th
- Polish: Trozuu, Olej
- German: BirdyDragon, Lemopav
- Chinese (Traditional): chesterccj305
- Hungarian: Bombadil
Sound Effects
- OhhWowProductions
- fredzed
- deleted_user_3277771
- DiscoveryME
- OGSoundFX
- leosalom
- juskiddink
Spell Packs! (And other addons...)
Official spell packs
Made by Electroblob

[1.12.2] The official Twilight Forest addon for Electroblob's Wizardry, adding spells and items for all things twilight!
Community spell packs
Made by fans of the mod
[1.12.2] Arcane Essentials by FavouriteDragon - Adds a bunch of new spells, along with some fancy spell-casting swords!
[1.12.2] Extra Spells by Meldexun - Adds loads of new spells to the game, many of which are based on potion effects from Extra Alchemy and Potion Core!
[1.12.2] Ancient Spellcraft by WinDanesz - A fully-fledged expansion for wizardry, adding not only tons of spells but also new mechanics - plus integration with Ancient Warfare 2 if installed!
[1.12.2] Extra Arcane Knowledge by GhostRider231_ - Adds a bunch of summoning spells for creatures from The Erebus, as well as some from vanilla Minecraft and some Potion Core effects!
[1.12.2] Zettai Magic by ZettaSword - Adds around 40 new spells, casting gauntlets, a spell creation system, new visual effects and much more!
[1.12.2] Wizardry Golems by WinDanesz - An addon all about Extra Golems, adding spells for various kinds of golemancy along with artefacts to go with them!
[1.12.2] Mo' Spells by WinDanesz - A spell pack centred around Mowzie's Mobs, featuring mob abilities, new creatures to summon and a bunch more cool abilities!
[1.12.2] Rise of the Animagus by WinDanesz - a spell pack for the Morph mod, rebalancing how morphing works. Currently adds 20+ spells and +10 artefacts
[1.12.2] Necromancer's Delight by WinDanesz - An Electroblob's Wizardry spell pack for Fish's Undeads Rising!
[1.7.10] Art's Effects Spell Pack by artsiclereal - Adds a handful of new spells for your collection
[1.12.2] Wizardry Next Generation - A spell pack by ipdnaeip, adding over 39 new spells and 12 new artefacts
Change how wizardry is played...
[1.12.2] Magic Seeds for Electroblob's Wizardry by thetornadotitan (unofficial updated version for wizardry 4.2+ by firestorm_270) - Adds a magic crystal crop that you can farm for crystals
[1.12.2] Zettai Grimoires by ZettaSword - Adds grimoire books, an alternative method of casting spells
[1.12.2] Wizardry - Fates by WinDanesz - Changes up how you play wizardry by assigning each player a discipline which restricts how they can cast spells, great for roleplay servers!
[1.12.2] No Offhand Wand by Naigaru - A tiny tweak mod that simply removes the ability to hold a wand in the offhand, making wizard duels a bit more challenging
[1.12.2] Arte Magicum by ZettaSword - Adds a progression system plus a whole load of other cool features, including elemental bosses
[1.12.2] GameIdiot's Craftable Wizardry Items by GameIdiot - Adds crafting recipes for some of wizardry items
[1.12.2] Wizardry Tales by ZettaSword - An addon to multiple magic mods at once that tweaks and enhances many areas of wizardry's gameplay
[1.12.2] Cerulean's Mystical Smithery by CeruleanBlue - A pack adding new runic blocks, crafting recipes, and other quality of life changes for Electroblob's wizardry
[1.12.2] Wizardry Player Mana by ZettasSwordCeruleanBlue - adds Mana Pool instead of usual Mana from Wands. The Mana Pool can be improved by casting spells.
Change how wizardry looks...
[1.12.2] Lich's 3D Wands by Lich - A resource pack that replaces wizardry's 2D wand items with cool 3D models!
[1.12.2] Harry Potter Inspired Wands by tild09 - A resource pack that swaps out the wand textures for ones inspired by the Harry Potter series
[1.12.2] Enhanced Tools by amirhj80 - A resource pack with some more cool 3D models, including wizardry's wands and conjured items!
[1.12.2] dotHack Weapon Models and World Of Warcraft Weapons by AzureDoomC- Both add weapons with fancy models, including numerous wizardry wands
[1.12.2] Emissive Wizardry by GameIdiot153 - Makes wizardry's armour glow! Available in various different versions. Requires Optifine.
[1.12.2] Crowller's Fancy Wands by DrCrowller - Another resource pack with 3D wand models!
Integrate wizardry with other mods...
[1.12.2] Mine And Slash Auto Compatibility by AzureDoomC - Integrates wizardry's gear into the Mine And Slash gear/stats system
[1.12.2] CompatSkills by lanse505 - Adds levelling requirements from Reskillable to wizardry's spells
[1.12.2] Ancient Warfare 2 by Shadowmage4513, GotoLink and P3pp3rF1y - A huge mod in its own right, but when wizardry is installed, it adds structures with wizards and magical loot inside
[1.12.2] Tinkers' Compendium by Lance5057 - Adds armour with potency bonuses for wizardry spells, like wizardry's elemental armour but tinkerable!
[1.12.2] Mana Wizardry by BordListian - Adds a set of wizardry wands that use Botania mana
[1.12.2] Treasure2: Wizardry Loot Pack by gottsch - Adds wizardry items to chests from Treasure2
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What means Verified?
Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.
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How to Install
Download Forge & Java
Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.
Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.
Add Mods
Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder
You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.