This mod is a recreation of Terrafirmacraft designed to work well with other mods. It adds a more immersive way to make charcoal, coke and pottery as well as an early game ore processing mechanic.
Fire Starter:
You will need to light some fires before you can get iron. The fire starter is a one use item that can do just that

Campfire Changes:
The campfire no longer requires coal and will drop ash when broken. It can also be used to turn sticks into torches.
Straw and Thatch:
By breaking tall grass with a hoe you can get Straw. It can be used for the kiln or as a building material by crafting into Thatch. Tip: the Quark mod makes hoes break blocks in a 3x3.

The barrel can be used to hold fluids like creosote oil. Since its made of wood it cant hold gasses or hot fluids. It keeps its fluids in item form like a shulker box. It can be filled from an infinite water source directly so a bucket inst required.

The Barrel can also be used to brew alcohol by adding an ingredient to water and letting ferment for 2 MC days. 64 items will fully fill it. Each type of alcohol has a different potion effect. Drinking alcohol will add the drunk effect which increases by 1 level per drink and lowers by 1 level when it runs out instead of stopping like other effects. The first 4 levels do nothing but each additional level will get progresively worse. Some highlights include the Golden Cider which gives a full row of absorption hearths, Vodka which gives resistance and Honey Dewois, the elixir of the Dwarves which grants haste.


Cheese is a decently good food item made by curdling milk in the barrel, Milk can be curdled with vinegar which is made my adding tree fruit to any alcohol. 16 items will convert a whole barrel. If an excess of vinegar bottles are supplied, the empty bottles will be ejected into the world.

Corn is a new crop obtained by breaking grass like with wheat. it grows 2 blocks tall. The Maize ears themselves are equivalent to carrots. They can be crafted into kernels for planting or Popcorn which is a snack food like melons. It can be combined with cheese to make Cornmeal Stew which is as good as Mutton or Salmon. It stacks to 64,

Leeks are a new vegetable crop that is rarely dropped by chickens. It is a poor food source similar to dried kelp but can be combined with chicken to craft Farfetch'd Stew which is as good as the higher tier meats. it stacks to 64.

Calamari is dropped by squids. It is weaker than any non-snack foods except carrots

Kebabs can be made by skewering Mutton and Carrots. Like all the meals, it provides more nourishment than the individual ingredients.

Omlettes can be made by cooking eggs. They arent very nourishing but chickens produce them passively.

Vanilla Stew Replacements:

Vanilla Stews now stack to 64. This does not apply to Suspicious Stew or Stew from milking Mooshrooms. The single ingredient ones are unchanged but Rabbit stew has been tweaked to provide more nourishment than its components instead of less. It now provides nourishment equal to the higher tier meats and the recipe makes 2.


Sushi can be made with Dried Kelp, Wheat and Fish. If made with raw fish it provides nourishment equivalent to Bread. If made with cooked fish it provides nourishment equivalent to Cooked Salmon. Fugu can also be made with Pufferfish and provides nourishment equivalent to Golden Carrots. It is 98% safe. Calamari is considered fish for this recipe.

Bread can now be made by cooking Wheat.

Fruit can be obtain from like apples from various types of trees or from fruit trees grown from special saplings. All of them can be used to make vinegar.
Cherries are less nourishing but are fast to eat. They drop from Birch
Chestnuts must be cooked but are more saturating. They drop from Dark Oak
Dragon Fruit provides fire resistance for 10 seconds and can be eaten when full. It drops from Acacia
Banana and Coconut drop from Jungle trees. Empty coconut shells can be used as bowls.
Bronze Reinforced Brick(1.12 only):
Bronze Reinforced Bricks are a tough, creeper proof material that can be crafted with Brick Blocks and Bronze Ingots. It can be used to make the Coke Oven and Bloomery creeper proof.
Charcoal Pits:
The Charcoal Pit is shape-less multiblock that allows Log Piles to be turned into charcoal. To make it just place your Log Piles into a contiguous shape and cover every exposed space with a solid* block.
To light it uncover a face of a Log Pile, light it on fire and quickly cover it back. If the Log Piles are exposed to air they will be destroyed. If it is working you will see smoke particles at the top. After 18 MC hours the smoke will stop and the Log piles will be replaced by an Ash-looking block. The conversion ratio is ~2:1 but fortune helps

Coke Ovens:
The Coke Oven works similar to the Charcoal Pit. The main differences are that instead of Log Piles it uses Coal Blocks and the blocks used as covering must be specific refractory blocks**. The Coke Oven will turn coal into coal coke at a ratio of ~9:6. Fortune helps. The processing time is also longer, at 36 MC hours.
Coal Coke:
Coal Coke is an upgraded version of coal made from the Coke Oven. It burns for twice as long.

Coke Cola(1.12 only):
Coke Cola is an upgraded version of the Potion of Speed. This fizzy drink is made by adding Coal Coke to a Potion of Speed in a brewing Stand. It gives a speed effect 1 level higher than its predecessor.

Creosote Funnel:
To improve the yield of the Charcoal Pit and Coke Oven, a Creosote Funnel can be used to drain Creosote Oil from beneath the structure. The funnel has a 9x9 "+" shaped range. A line of them works best. While a bucket can be used to collect the Creosote, a mod with pipes and tanks is recommended to make use of it.
Creosote Oil can be used as fuel, smelting 24 items.

Range of Creosote Funnel:

The Kiln:
The Kiln is used to fire clay into pottery such as bricks, terracotta and ceramic vessels. Unlike the Charcoal Pit or Coke Oven the Kiln is a horizontal 2D structure that also connects diagonally. All blocks but the top bust be covered by solid* blocks, similar to the Charcoal Pit. The Kiln will break if the bottom block is destroyed. The top must remain clear as fire must be able to burn on top.
To create it Shift Right Click a valid ingredient on the top of a solid block. Up to 8 items can be fired at a time. Then cover the clay with Straw and Logs. To light it just set the top of one on fire. After 8 MC hours the fire will go out revealing an Ash-looking block. Note that rain will put out the Kiln.
Ash is a secondary output from the Charcoal Pit, Coke Oven and Kiln. It can be used to make fertilizer, which acts as bone meal

Ceramic Vessel:
The Ceramic Vessel is an early game equivalent of a Shulker Box. It has 9 slots and will keep its inventory when broken. It can be died any of the 16 colors of hardened clay, however once dyed it cannot be dyed again. It will keep its contents trough the dyeing recipe.

The Ore Kiln:
The unfired Clay Vessel can also be used to smelt ores. It cannot smelt high level ores like Iron*** but can be used to make Bronze. To use it place it on the ground and fill its inventory with up to 8 ores and the necessary fuel. The tooltip will tell you the result of the ingredients used. If the result is invalid the clay vessel cannot be fired. Only ores require fuel as the Kiln contains enough fuel to smelt ingots. Using the Clay Vessel to smelt ores will break it so you will need to craft a new one for another batch.
The Bloomery(1.16 version):
To smelt higher tier ores like Iron and Nickel you will need the bloomery. Make a 1 or 2 block tall chimney out of valid bricks** with a tuyere block on the bottom layer and bellows pointing into it. Shift right click a valid ore to start it them right click the ingredients in. Once you light it pump the bellows to stoke the fire. You dont need to pump them the entire time. 2 bellows in tandem will fill the buffer faster. Once its done in about 4 MC hours(3.5 minutes) work the bloom with your pickaxe until it drops its contents. If you let it cool or didnt pump the bellows enough it will fail and you will have to start over. After you get Iron you can make mechanical bellows powered by redstone.

Fruit Trees:
Fruit trees are trees that constantly produce fruit. They dont spawn naturally. Saplings can only be found in Dungeon, Mineshaft and Stronghold loot chests or sold by Wandering Treaders. Once aquired they can be farmed like regular trees for more saplings. The leaves go through different growth stages that will stay mostly in sync with each other. If the fruit is not collected it will fall down on its own and the growth process will automatically restart. The growth cycles are longer than normal crops but the 3D nature of leaves alloys larger harvests. If fruit tree leaves are collected with shears they will remain in the stage they were collected.
Banana and Coconut produce pods like cocoa at the base of the canopy. There must be a log for them to attach to so not all trees are valid.
Apple trees are the most useful as it makes vanilla apples.
Cherry trees fruit twice as fast.
Chestnut grow much larger and chestnuts are more saturating, but 4 sapling are required
Dragon fruit trees are small and slow growing. Since they are a cactus the leaves are evergreen
Banana and Coconut produce continuously instead of in batches
The Bloomery(1.12 version):
To smelt higher level ores like Iron you will need the Bloomery. The create it start by crafting the Harch with 3 Bronze Blocks*** in a vertical position. Then build a chimney between 2 and 4 blocks tall and place the Hatch at the bottom. The Chimney must be built out of stone-like or brick-like blocks****. Up to 32 ores can be smelted at a time.
To use It drop the ores and fuel into the chimney, close the Hatch and light it by lighting a fire in front of the Hatch. You can Shift Right Click the Hatch with an empty hand to see the status tooltip. After 15 MC hours the Bloomery will complete leaving a Bloom at the bottom of the chimney. Unlike the Ore Kiln, the Bloomery will require fuel to smelt ingots.
MineTweaker Integration:
import mods.charcoalpit;
mods.charcoalpit.addKilnRecipe(in, out);
*ore dictionary not allowed
*stack size does not apply. its always a 1:1 conversion
mods.charcoalpit.addKilnRecipe(<minecraft:apple>, <minecraft:redstone>);
*removes all kiln recipes
mods.charcoalpit.addSmeltingFuel(in, value);
*adds fuels for the ore kiln/bloomery
mods.charcoalpit.addSmeltingFuel(<thaumcraft:alumentum>, 4);
*removes all smelting fuels
mods.charcoalpit.addAlloyRecipe(result, amount, advanced, usePrefix, recipe);
*advanced:boolean-if true only the bloomery can use this recipe
*usePrefic:boolean-if true the oredict values of the recipe will have the prefixes ore/ingot/dust applied. this allows ores, ingots and dust to be mixed as well as only using one recipe.
mods.charcoalpit.addAlloyRecipe(<minecraft:redstone>, 2, false, true, [<minecraft:apple>, <minecraft:apple>, <ore:Iron>]);
*Solid means a torch can be placed on the side facing the structure. Glass is not a solid block. Iron doors and trap doors will work despite not being solid, as long as they are touching the structure.
**(1.16)Refractory blocks are Brick, Sandy Brick, Nether Brick and End Stone Brick
**(1.12)By default the refractory blocks are: Brick, (Red)Nether Brick, Obsidian, Bronze Reinforced Brick and Iron (Trap)Doors. Note that the Creosote Funnel also must be made of one of them.
***If Bronze is available Iron can be smelted in the Kiln and the Bloomery Hatch is crafted with Iron Blocks
****By default the Bloomery blocks are: all overworld stone except cobble and ores, Obsidian, Prismarine, Bricks, (Red)Nether Bricks, Quartz Blocks, End Stone(Bricks), Purpur and Bronze reinforced Brick
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What means Verified?
Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.
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How to Install
Download Forge & Java
Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.
Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.
Add Mods
Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder
You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.