Jungle Variant of the Skeleton
-Shoots poisonous Arrows.
-On death drops poisonous Arrows.
-Can be found in any Jungle type

Mesa Variant of the Skeleton
-Shoots faster arrows that deal more damage.
-On death drops arrows of luck.
-Spawns in any Mesa biome

Nether Variant of the Skeleton (Not a Wither Skeleton)
-Shoots arrows that are lit on fire.
-Has similar drops to the Wither Skeleton
-Spawns in the Nether Wastes Biome

Ocean Variant of the Skeleton
-Shoots arrows that travel trough water with ease.
-Cannot swim, staying near the bottom of the ocean
-On death drops Tidal Arrows, as well as Seagrass

Forest Structure Variant of the Skeleton:
-Instead of using a Bow, uses a Sword
-Drops Bones and Iron Ingots (Special loot later on in the development)
-Spawns In a New Ruined Church Structure

Swamp Variant of the Skeleton
-Instead of using a normal Bow, uses a Will O' Bow (Look in Wiki Items)
-Drops Bones and Mud Blocks and rarely it's Will O' Bow
-Spawns In Swamps and Mangrove Swamps

Desert Variant of the Skeleton
-Instead of using a Bow, uses either a Crossbow or a Sand Bane (Look in wiki Items)
-Drops Bones, Sand Blocks and rarely Enchanted Sand Shards
-Spawns In Deserts

Tidal Arrow
-This arrow travels trough water with ease, water doesn't affect it at all
-Can only be obtained trough slaying The Sunken Skeleton

Will O' Bow
-Replaces the shot arrows (Normal Arrows) with Slowing Arrows
-Can rarely be obtained trough slaying The Swamped Skeleton

Sand Bane
-When striking an Enemy, has a 20% chance to apply Slowness II
-Special version drop from Deserters holding Sand Bane
-Can rarely Drop from Deserters (Look in Wiki Skeleton Variants) or be crafted using a Golden Sword and Enchanted Sand Shards