- When a Zombie dies in powder snow it may turn into a Frostbitten, the chance of this depends on the difficulty
- Currently spawn at Cold Biomes
- While attacking, it will apply Freeze to the target, the duration depends on the difficulty
- When walking on water it will set it on ice, similar to the Frost Walker Enchantment
- On Baby's death, it will create a snow explosion and apply Freeze to any nearby entities
- Will attack any Burneds on sight
- Drops Frozen Rotten Flesh
- Dropped by Frostbittens
- Can be cooked to get Rotten Flesh
- When eaten, there's a 80% chance to apply Freeze to the user
- Can be used to brew the Freeze Effect
- When applied to an entity, it will apply a buffed slowness that may even paralize the user
- Frozen entities will lose the ability of jumping
- Frozen entities will also shake and receive Frozen Hearts along with a Frozen Screen
- Can be created into potions and tipped arrows

There is 4 variants of Undead Miner: Rank C (Stone Pickaxe), Rank B (Iron Pickaxe), Rank A (Diamond Pickaxe) and Rank M (Golden Pickaxe).
- Will spawn underground at any overworld biomes and below sea level
- Similar to skeletons, they will restrict sun
- There aren't and will not be any baby variants for this mob, you monster.
- Has four different ranks: Stone, Iron, Diamond and Gold
+ Stone is the most common variant
+ Iron is an uncommon variant
+ Diamond is the rarest variant
+ Gold will replace any Stone variants at Mesa biomes
- Each variant can be identified by their pickaxes and have an unique loot

- Currently spawns at Swamp Biomes
- Will leap towards the target when attacking
- On attack, it will have different behaviors:
+ If adult, it will apply blindness and poison, the duration depends on the difficulty
+ If baby, it will explode and spawn a lingering cloud of poison
- While on water, it will receive a movement speed boost
- On death, it has a 50% chance to spawn a lingering cloud of poison

- When a Zombie dies in lava it may turn into a Burned, the chance of this depends on the difficulty
- Currently only spawns at nether wastes
- Has three different variants: Normal, Crazy and Obsidian
- While attacking it will set the target on fire, the duration will depend on the difficulty
- Will attack any Frostbittens on sight
- Drops Magma Rotten Flesh
+ When low health, it will turn into the Crazy Variant
+ Will emit lava particles while in this state, Crazy Obsidian Variant will emit obsidian tear particles
+ When Crazy, it increases it's attack damage, knockback resistance and moving speed
+ There's a 0.5% chance for a Crazy Variant to spawn naturally
+ When in contact with water, it will turn into the Obsidian variant (excluding rain and splash potions)
+ When in contact with lava, it will reignite
+ When Obsidian, it becomes immune to projectiles and gains resistance to fall damage
+ When Obsidian, it increases it's attack damage and knockback resistance, however it becomes slower
- Dropped by Burneds
- Can be used as Furnace fuel, however it requires three of these to cook a single item
- When eaten, there's a 50% chance to apply Fire Resistance to the user, but there's also a 50% chance to set the entity on Fire

Drops: 1-2 Rotten Flesh, 1 Leather, 1-2 Raw Cod or 1 Cooked Cod.
Spawn: Rare chance to spawn in Snow Biomes. His wolf has 50% chance to spawn near him. His variant with a Spear has 40% chance to appear.
Extra Info:
- He applies Slowness II when he hits a player. (effect duration depends on difficulty)
- If you punch it, he has a chance to drop a Raw Cod. Every hit counts, even with other things.
- Glacial Hunter with a Spear has more range attack and applies knockback. However, he doesn't have slowness effect.

Drops: 1-2 Rotten Flesh, 1-2 Paper, 2-4 golden nuggets or 1 golden_ingot.
Spawn: Rare chance to spawn in Desert Biomes. His variant (Ancient Mummy) has 35% chance to appear.
Extra Info:
- Mummy applies Hunger III when he hits a player. (effect duration depends on difficulty)
- When he is tracking a entity, he has a rare chance to spawn a beetle.
- If this mob dies, 2 or 3 beetles spawns.
- Ancient Mummy can summon Flying Beetles instead of Normal Beetles.
Future Plans: Only spawn in Desert Pyramid.

Drops: The same loot table of the Shipwreck's chests, 1-2 Rotten Flesh and 1 Treasure Chest. If he died with a TNT Barrel, he can drop that block.
Spawn: Beach Biomes. (Extremely Rare).
Extra Info:
- He has Knockback Resistance.
- If this zombie moves, he has a chance to spawn Zombie Pirates or Skeleton Pirates.
- When Dead Beard has low health, he takes out a tnt barrel and he will explode in 5 seconds. If he explodes, the drops don't appear.
- Zombie Pirates and Skeleton Pirates disappear after 30 seconds.
Future Plans: Only spawn in Shipwreck or Custom Ship.

Normal drops: 1-2 Rotten Flesh, 1-2 Bones.
During Thunderstorm: 100% chance to drop a Trident with: Channeling I, Riptide I or without enchantment.
Without Thunderstorm: 10% chance to drop a normal Trident.
Spawn: All the overworld during Thunderstorm. (Extremely Rare).
Except in biomes such as:
- Desert.
- Badlands
- Snow.
Extra Info:
- He applies Channelled Effect when he hits a player.
- If lightning strikes him, his life is restored.
- He can infect/convert zombies. (Zombie turns into Zap, the new entity offspring of Immortal).
- When he has low health, different lightning bolt appear near him and his speed increases.
- Immortal moves randomly when hit.
- He can perform a "dash attack". When this attack ends, his life is restored.
- If the thunderstorm is no longer available, Immortal loses all his "powers" and red particles appears on him...

An icy rotten flesh from Frostbitten.
If you eat it:
- has 80% chance to apply freeze effect for 15 seconds
- can be cooked into rotten flesh
Extra Info:
- You can cook Frozen Rotten Flesh to obtain normal Rotten Flesh. (You can use a Furnace, Smoker or Campfire).

A hot rotten flesh from Burned.
If you eat it:
- has 50% chance to apply fire resistance for 15 seconds or set the user on fire for 5 seconds
- can be used as fuel on a furnace, but you require at least 3 to cook a single item

The best weapon from Dead Beard.
- It has the same explosion radius as the TNT.
- You can use a Flint and Steel or Fire Charged on it if you want to activate the TNT Barrel like a normal TNT.
- If you use a redstone mechanic on it. The TNT Barrel explodes immediatly. (This property is also applied if an explosion hit that block).
- You can use a Firework Rocket on it to launch it in every direction you look.
A chest treasured by smelly pirates
- You can obtain it if you kill Dead Beard.
- To open the treasure chest you have to put in the floor.
- When the treasure chest is open, it can drop random items like: Iron Nuggets, Golden Nuggets, Gold Ingot, Emerald, Diamond or Totem of Undying.
- The treasure chest dissapear when it drops all the loot.
WIP/Test Items:
Zombification Potion: A potion who gives zombie properties to user.
The properties:
- Effects during the Zombification: Hunger V, Slowness II and Strength.
- If the Hunger Bar is too low, the Strength effect increases to a maximum of level 3 (empty bar).
- Poison gives Instant Health to user. More useful than normal Instant Health or Regeneration.
To cancel the effect, you have to put a Golden Apple in your main hand, the milk is useless.