Beta Modpages Unclaimed

Resourceful Bees

Resourcefulbees allows pack devs to create a dynamic number of customized bees

Created by epic_oreo





Resourceful Bees is a mod made for pack developers that allow near unlimited possibilities for bees, our bees can be fully customized to your liking from what item they breed with to what flower they get pollen from.


A resourceful bee generates resources by getting pollen from "flowers" and generates honeycombs in our hives and said combs can be put through our centrifuge or can be used in crafting recipes.


They can also generate resources through mutations where you can set a block, a fluid, or an entity to be mutated into another block, fluid, or entity.


We have structures and blocks in our mod that make it so that you don't need a lot of bees to generate a large number of resources we try to make it so that you can instead of just getting a mass amount of bees you can upgrade your hives to a higher tier and then to the apiary which changes the output amounts so that we can compete with these other resource mods without causing a lot of lag.


If you would like to find out more info about the mod or ask questions you can join our discord here.


We as developers know how annoying it is when mods and APIs don't have good wikis or documentation so we tried to keep our docs as good as we can possibly do ourselves so if you would like to take a look at our docs you can find them here.


Note: Set "Generate Default Bees" in our config to false if you would like to override default bees.

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What means Verified?

  • Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
  • Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
  • Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
  • Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
  • Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
  • Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
  • Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
  • License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
  • Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.

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How to Install


Download Forge & Java

Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.



Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.


Add Mods

Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder



You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.

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