Beta Modpages Unclaimed

Genetic Laboratory

Genetically engineered animals!

Created by ezraeden_games






Genetic Laboratory by Ezra Eden


Minecraft version 1.16.5

Mod versions for older and newer Minecraft versions are in the works ...


Standalone Mod


Beta: Please send bugs to the Issues Tag! Thank you!


Brief description


"Genetic Laboratory" is a standalone (gene) technology mod with an optional story.

You can raise genetically modified cows, sheeps, chickens, and pigs. These give off large amounts of meat, leather, wool, milk, feathers and eggs without dying or feeling pain!

Veggie meat! A dream becomes true!

It is necessary to feed the animals with powerwheat or powerseeds after and between removal, otherwise they will die.

The process of “producing” the animals is very complex and expensive. The individual steps are described in detail in Professor Null’s Diary. This book can be found in a laboratory in the plains or crafted with conventional items (more on this under the spoiler links).

If the processes are carried out incorrectly, undesired mutations can occur. So be careful and do everything right!

(Or you can just try it out and experience one or the other surprise. "Genetic Laboratory" assumes no liability! 😊)

With “Genetic Laboratory” you can upgrade yourself or influence other living beings.

If you are keen to experiment, find out for yourself how!

The built-in story does not have to be played in order to be able to use the mod in its entirety. But you should. 😊

The story emerges from the diary and your level of knowledge and understanding about the processes of this mod. If not, you can open the spoiler links here and read on.

Have fun with your gene experiments!



Ezra Eden


Diary and Labor

Professor Null’s Diary

You can find it in a laboratory in the plains or craft it yourself.




What is required:

1 book

1 bottle


(Shapeless crafting recipe)


1 diary is obtained.





Laboratories are relatively rare. They spawn in the plains.

In the laboratory there are many items that are used to produce the genetically modified animals. The laboratory is in the first basement. The machines, however, are old and encrusted with genetic material because they have not been used for years. They are out of order and can only be used as a decorative block. This cannot even happen to crafted machines.

The dungeon is in the second basement. It can be populated with normal mobs, so be careful!

There you can find Professor Null-Zombie, who attacks but does no damage. With a right click on him, he first drops his diary, then with the second right click an empty syringe.

The diary can be found again in the barrel in the prison cell. The poor beings in it attack and cause damage, so be careful.

In very rare cases an Annabelle-Zombie spawns in the second basement. She also attacks but does not cause any damage either.

More about the two under the Story-Spoiler link.



Item Recipes





What is required:

1 pair of shears

1 cactus


(Shapeless crafting recipe)


The shears are consumed when crafting.


You get 16 stings.







What is required:

1 sting

1 bottle

1 needle is obtained.







What is required:

1 needle

1 bottle

1 Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate

1 empty syringe is obtained.



Petri dish


Petri Dish


What is required:

3 bottles





Shaft Wood: Shelf life: 1 pass / Speed: 24,000 ticks (1 Minecraft day)


Shaft Wood


What is required:

3 Sticks

3 Blocks of Oak Planks


Shaft Iron: Shelf life: 5 runs / Speed: 12,000 ticks (1/2 Minecraft day)


Shaft Iron


What is required:

3 Sticks

3 Iron Ingots


Shaft Diamond: Shelf life: 20 passes / Speed: 6000 ticks (1/4 Minecraft day)


Shaft Diamond


What is required:

3 Sticks

3 Diamonds


Tip: Never remove an intact shaft from the deceller! It breaks! Never try to dismantle a deceller with an intact shaft installed! The shaft breaks! (Unless you want it that way 😊)




Steam Charcoal

There are 3 different types of Steam Charcoal.


Steam Moss Charcoal: breeding season 24,000 ticks (1 Minecraft day)


Stem Moss Charcoal


What is required:

6 Bonemeals

1 Vine

1 Coal

1 Wheat


Steam Redstone Charcoal: breeding season 12000 ticks (1/2 Minecraft day)


Steam Redstone Charcoal


What is required:

6 Bonemeals

1 Redstone

1 Coal

1 Wheat


Steam Blaze Charcoal: breeding season 6000 ticks (1/4 Minecraft day) 


Steam Blaze Charcoal


What is required:

6 Bonemeals

1 Blaze Powder

1 Coal

1 Wheat


Kneader Shaft


Kneader Shaft


What is required:

6 Iron Ingots

3 Iron Nuggets






What is required:

7 Iron Ingots

1 Iron Bar



Meat Extractor



Meat Extractor Iron


What is required:

4 Iron Ingots

1 Stick



Meat Extractor Diamond


What is required:

2 Iron Ingots

2 Diamonds

1 Stick


The meat extractor is used to remove meat from a genetically modified farm animal. It is used like a shear.

With the Meat Extractor made of iron, 16x meat can be removed.

The Diamant Meat Extractor manages 64 withdrawals.






Skinner Iron


What is required:

5 Iron Ingots

1 Stick



Skinner Diamond


What is required:

2 Iron Ingots

3 Diamonds

1 Stick


The skinner is used to remove leather from a genetically modified farm animal. It is used like a shear.

The iron skinner can be used to remove meat 16 times.

The Diamond Skinner manages 64 withdrawals.


Machines and Production

"Production" of the genetically modified animals





What is required:

4 Iron Ingots

3 Redstone Blocks

2 Iron Blocks


How the Station works 

The station presses items into nutrient paste.


There are 4 uses for Nutrient Paste:

Culture medium for petri dish

Production of terra preta

Production of powerbread

Production of powerseeds


Optional additionally:

1 empty petri dish AND

1 blood-filled syringe


Nutrient Paste production:

You press red mushrooms, bones and sacks of ink WITHOUT adding a petri dish AND animal blood in the syringe. You get pure nutrient paste to produce powerbread, powerseeds and Terra Preta. So only the raw materials may be filled.


Nutrient Paste production


What is required:

1 - 64 Red Mushrooms

1 - 64 Bones

1 - 64 Ink Sacks


Pure nutrient paste is obtained.


Enriched Petri Dish production:

You squeeze red mushrooms, bones and sacks of ink WITH the addition of an empty petri dish AND animal blood in the syringe. The Petri dish is filled with nutrient paste and the contents of the syringe are injected fully automatically into the petri dish. So, all slots must be filled for the machine to work.


Complete filled Station


Station with nutrient paste


An enriched petri dish is obtained, which is ready for further processing.


Tip: If you remove the syringe after pressing before it has injected its contents into the Petri dish, you will receive a fresh Petri dish without animal blood. Then you can subsequently combine the syringe in the crafting table with the fresh Petri dish and get the same result as the station would have delivered. (Can be useful if you change your mind at the last second. Why should you do that. 😊)

If you remove the Petri dish while pressing, you will receive nutrient paste.







What is required:

5 Glaspanes

3 Blocks of polished Diorite

1 Iron Trapdoor


How the Fermenter works

The fermentation process of the enriched petri dish takes place in the fermenter. All slots must be filled with the correct items, then the process begins fully automatically. Maturation takes 24,000 ticks (1 Minecraft day). It is not possible to accelerate this step.

As soon as the contents of the petri dish have matured, it is automatically poured into a bottle and then taken up with an empty syringe. It is not possible to remove the items from the slot without damage as soon as the transfer process has started!



Fermenter filled


Fermenter finished


What is required:

1 Coal

1 Water Bucket

1 Enriched Petri Dish

1 Bottle

1 Empty Syringe


A syringe with genetically modified material is obtained.






What is required:

4 Blocks of polished Diorite

2 Glaspanes

1 Diamond Shaft (Shaft recipes under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)

1 Redstone Block

1 Iron Bar


How the Deceller works

In the deceller, the chicken's genetic material is removed from the egg. It is a centrifuge that works faster or slower depending on the shaft used and can complete 1 - 20 runs. It is run on coal.

Deceller Start


Deceller 1


What is required:

1 Coal

1 Shaft (Shaft recipes under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)

1 - 10 Chicken Eggs


Decellellated eggs are obtained.


Tip: Never remove an intact shaft from the deceller! It breaks! Never try to dismantle a deceller with an intact shaft installed! The shaft breaks! (Unless you want it that way 😊)







What is required:

6 Blocks of polished Diorite

2 Chests

1 Syringe (Syringe recipe under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)


How the Fertilizer works

In the fertilizer, eggs are sterile fertilized with genetic material. If there is an egg and a syringe with genetic material in the slots provided, the egg is fertilized fully automatically after pressing the start button.

The fertilizer has a small warehouse that is freely available. It is automatically filled with the items superfluous for fertilization as soon as more than 1 egg or 1 syringe is placed in the work slots.

The second use of the fertilizer is to enrich pure nutrient paste (without Petri dish) with monster blood. Enriched Nutrient Paste Essence is ideal for baking powerbread.



Fertilizer with Egg


Fertilizer Finished


What is required:

1 Decellellated Egg

1 Syringe with genetic material


You get a raw, genetically modified egg that is ready for breeding.




Fertilizer with nutrient paste


Fertilizer Finished 2


What is required:

1 Nutrient Paste

1 Syringe with monster blood


You get a nutrient paste essence ready for kneading with dough.







What is required:

7 Blocks of Oak Planks

1 Hay Block

1 Iron Trapdoor


How the Incubator works

The raw, genetically modified egg is incubated in the incubator. The process takes 6000 - 24000 ticks (¼ - 1 Minecraft day) depending on the steam charcoal type.


Incubator Start


Incubator Finished


What is required:

1 Decelled Egg

1 Steam Charcoal (Steam Charcoal recipes under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)


You get a genetically modified egg that can be spawned.


Tip: Right-click to throw the egg in a free space, preferably in an enclosure, on the ground.






Plants and Soil

Terra Preta


Terra Preta


What is required:

1 Block of Dirt

1 Nutrient Paste (Nutrient paste recipe under the Machines and Production Spoiler Link)


Terra preta is modified earth. It is needed to grow powerwheat. Only powerwheat grows on terra preta. It does not need any water and is ploughed with commercially available hooks.


Tip: don't put a block on terra preta. It is somewhat sensitive to pressure and condenses. This makes it unusable (of course, it can still be used as a decorative block). But hopping on it is not a problem.







What is required:

1 grains of wheat

1 Nutrient Paste


Powerseeds can be planted in ploughed terra preta or fed to genetically modified chickens.




Powerwheat grows on Terra Preta and is fed to genetically modified cows, sheep and pigs.

Powerwheat has 7 growth stages, each of which is at best 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day) long.

Depending on the type of degradation, you get 1 - 3 powerwheats (with a right click) and an additional 1-3 seeds (with a left click).


Tip: The fully grown plant can be broken down with a right click. The seeds are retained and there is no need to replant. The disadvantage is that no seeds are spawned.



Farm Animals

With a genetically modified spawning egg in hand and right-clicking on an empty space, you create a genetically modified animal.




Cow Genemod v1


Cows give normal cow milk, normal leather and raw beef. Genetically modified cows only eat powerwheat. After or between the removal of meat or leather, the animals must be fed, otherwise they could die if they are further removed!

After 6 buckets of milk, the cow needs 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day) to give milk again.


What is required:

Bucket (milking)

Meat Extractor (meat removal)

Skinner (leather removal)


(Description and recipes of the tools under the Item Recipes Spoiler)





Pig Genemodel v1


 Pigs give pork milk, pork leather and raw pork. Genetically modified pigs only eat powerwheat. After or between the removal of meat or leather, the animals must be fed, otherwise they could die if they are further removed!

After 6 buckets of milk, the pig needs 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day) to give milk again.


What is required:

Bucket (milking)

Meat Extractor (meat removal)

Skinner (leather removal)


Pig's milk and leather can be crafted into normal cow's milk and normal leather. (Leather and Milk Spoiler Link)


(Description and recipes of the tools under the Item Recipes Spoiler)





Sheep Genemodel v1


Sheep give wool, sheep's milk, sheepskin and raw mutton. Genetically modified sheep only eat powerwheat. After or between the removal of meat or leather, the animals must be fed, otherwise they could die if they are further removed!

Shorn sheep grow back after 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day). After 6 buckets of milk, the sheep also needs 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day) to give milk again.


What is required:

Bucket (milking)

Scissors (wool)

Meat Extractor (meat removal)

Skinner (leather removal)


Sheep's milk and sheepskin can be crafted into normal cow's milk and normal leather.(Leather and Milk Spoiler Link)


(Description and recipes of the tools under the Item Recipes Spoiler)





Chicken Genemodel v1


Chickens give feathers, eggs, chicken milk, chicken leather and chicken meat. Genetically modified chickens only eat powerseeds. After or between the removal of meat or leather, the animals must be fed, otherwise they could die if they are further removed!

Shorn chickens regrow their feathers after 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day). After 6 buckets of milk, the chicken also needs 3000 ticks (1/8 Minecraft day) to give milk again.


What is required:

Bucket (milking)

Scissors (springs)

Meat Extractor (meat removal)

Skinner (leather removal)


Chicken milk and chicken leather can be crafted into normal cow milk and normal leather. (Leather and Milk Spoiler Link)


(Description and recipes of the tools under the Item Recipes Spoiler)








What is required:

3 Powerwheats

1 Bucket of Milk (from a genetically modified chicken, pig or sheep)


If you mix dough with essence in the kneader, you get monster power dough.






Fertilizer Finished 2


What is required:

1 Nutrient Paste (Nutrient paste recipe under the Machines and Production Spoiler Link)

1 Syringe with Monsterblood (Syringe recipe under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)


Nutrient Paste fertilized in the Fertilizer becomes essence.


There are 4 different essences, depending on the monster blood:

Creeper essence

Spider essence

Skeleton essence

Zombie essence.







What is required:

6 Iron Ingots

1 Iron Block

1 Redstone Block

1 Iron Shaft (Shaft recipes under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)


How the Kneader works

In the kneader, dough is mixed with essence to form a raw power dough. The power dough obtained can be baked in a standard oven. As soon as all the necessary items have been inserted, the machine starts to work. In any case, the process takes 600 ticks (30 seconds real time).



Kneader ready to run


Kneader in action


What is required:

1 - 64 Doughs

1 - 64 Essences

1 Kneader Shaft (Kneader Shaft recipe under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)

1 Bowl (Bowl recipe under the Item Recipes Spoiler Link)


You get raw power dough. Depending on the monster blood used in different flavours!




The finished power dough is baked in a conventional oven.


The different types of bread cause different enchantments.

There is a 1% chance of receiving a negative enchantment. Good enchantments last 5:00 minutes in real time, bad ones only last 1:15 minutes in real time.


You can get:

Creeper Powerbread: Jump Boost / Slowness

Spider Powerbread: Slow Falling / Poison

Skeleton Powerbread: Invisibility / Blindness

Zombie Powerbread: Night Vision / Slowness



Leather and Milk Recipes


Leather from pig, sheep and chicken can be processed into normal leather.


Chicken to leather


What is required:

9 Chicken Leather


Sheep leather


What is required:

4 Sheep Leather


Pig Leather


What is required:

4 Pig Leather



Pig, sheep and chicken milk can be processed into normal milk.

Recipe example:

Pig milk ti milk


What is required:


1 Pig Milk

1 Sheep Milk

1 Chicken Milk


(Shapeless crafting)





Who and how can I draw blood?

Blood is drawn with the empty syringe in hand by right-clicking on a mob. The mob loses health points depending on its property.

Blood can currently be taken from:


Individual blood samples:





Cave Spider / Spider





Pet blood samples:
















Pet Gene

With the pet blood sample you proceed in the same way as with other blood samples, up to and including the fermenter. The pet gene obtained from the fermenter can be injected into villagers who, after being infected with the love of the cute animals, suddenly become generous and spawn emeralds.

Try Endermen too!


There is a catch:

The cute animals die when the blood is drawn.

How unscrupulous are you?


Tip: Creepers, spiders, cave spiders, skeletons and zombies vaccinated with Pet Gene will start to burn. They can't stand sweet love!





Gem-producing farm animals

Gem Animals


These very rare farm animals are obtained by fertilizing normal chicken eggs (i.e., eggs that have not been decellellated) with genetic material in the fertilizer.

The fertilized eggs are incubated in the normal way in the incubator and then, with the obtained spawn egg in hand and with a right click, thrown onto an empty area on the floor.

In most cases, a mutation occurs that attacks and causes damage. They are useless.

Sometimes, however, a diamond or emerald-producing farm animal emerges. They are peaceful and give off 6 diamonds / emeralds every 24,000 ticks (1 Minecraft day).

You recognize these animals immediately. They shine diamond or emerald colours and sometimes have crystalline outgrowths on their backs.


Removal of the gemstones


The gemstone cow is milked with a bucket.

You get a bucket with the respective gemstones. Then you must wait 24,000 ticks (1 Minecraft day) until the animal can be milked again.

The gemstone bucket can be emptied in the craft field.



Diamondbucket to Diamonds


Emeraldbucket to emeralds


(Shapeless crafting)


You get 6 gems.



The gemstone pig is fed powerwheat. For each powerwheat bouquet fed, a gem spawns that you must collect. The process can be repeated 6 times. Then you must wait 1 Minecraft day until the animal can be fed again.

You get 6 gems.



The gemstone sheep is sheared with standard shear and spawns 1 gemstone that you must collect. The process can be repeated 6 times. Then you must wait 24,000 ticks (1 Minecraft day) until the animal can be sheared again.

You get 6 gems.



The gemstone chicken is sheared with standard shear and spawns 1 gemstone that you must collect. The process can be repeated 6 times. Then you must wait 1 Minecraft day until the animal can be sheared again.

You get 6 gems.


(With some shaders, diamond farm animals’ glow emerald green at night. I'm working on a bug fix. 😊)




Storymode and Solution

(Only open if you really are stuck!)


Professor Null


Professor Null has been researching his work for years.

His goal: to satisfy world hunger!

At last, it was time! He was able to finish the machines and immediately began the experiments.

The first attempts failed. He locked the poor creatures in his dungeon because he didn't have the heart to relieve them from their suffering (Villager-Cow and Pig-Spider).

The next attempts were a complete success. He managed to create farm animals that endlessly gave meat, leather and everything else that humans need to live. Without killing or torturing them!

A breakthrough!

Pregnant for success he started an experiment on himself ...

After days of being sick in bed, his condition initially improved. In the hospital bed he realized that despite all success, but also in his defeats, he was alone. Nobody is here to celebrate or mourn with him.

As the gods of Mojang decided in their goodness, a woman suddenly entered Professor Null’s life.



Annabelle Null


Although Null struggled with great physical and mental difficulties after his self-experiment, the two fell in love and fathered countless children.

But he had overlooked the fact that his "illness" could spread to his children and his wife.

A fatal mistake!

His family was acting strangely. One day they just disappeared. Professor Null was looking for them. The last time he saw them, they were in front of a cave entrance before they spotted him and fled. He feared that they preferred the underground darkness.

Like himself!?!

The realization hit him like a sledgehammer! He had infected Annabelle! He had infected his whole family!

And with them probably the whole world!

After endless searching for his wife and children, he gave up. His condition had deteriorated dramatically. The aggressiveness, the urge to shoot arrows and the constant feeling of having to explode as soon as someone approaches him made him fear the worst.

Null pull the rip cord!

He locked himself in his own dungeon, along with his poor creatures, and hoped for recovery.

But this never happened ...




The End?





Your task is to find Annabelle-Zombie and inject her with the pet gene syringe to cure her!

She then gives you the instruction (right-click with an empty hand on Annabelle) to shrink her with the shrink syringe and bring her to her husband's laboratory. She drops the syringe that you need to pick up. You vaccinate her with it, put little Annabelle in the inventory (it works automatically) and look for a laboratory. It spawns in the plains.

Once you've found a lab, head all the way down to the dungeon, defeat any mobs, but keep Professor Null alive! Like Annabelle-Zombie, he can't hurt you. Humanity is too deeply anchored in them!

With little Annabelle in your hand, click an empty space on the floor. Annabelle is growing up again. Right click on her with your free hand. She gives you the syringe of love after a dialogue. Pick it up and right-click to give Professor Zero this injection!

Read the dialogue between Professor Null and Annabelle through’s (right-click with an empty hand on Professor Null) and then accept his gift package that he has given you as a thank you.


You made it! You healed the two and brought them together!


Maybe one day they'll be able to rid the world of monsters!


The monsters they created themselves ...


Tip: Only open the gift box at home with enough chests in your area! It will be extensive! 😊

Tip: You can play through the story as many times as you can find Annabelle-Zombies and labs. It is worth it!

Tip: Annabelle only spawns in caves. Very rarely. But you can find them more easily if you pay attention to their name tag that shines through the rock.


Have fun with Genetic Laboratory!



Ezra Eden



Nerd tip: If the extremely rare case occurs that Annabelle-Zombie has spawned in Professor Null's dungeon, you must heal her, take the shrink syringe, use it and then make her big again.

Otherwise, it won't work.

The two "normal" Annabelle’s are programming-wise two different mobs. Only the enlarged version has the programming to recognize Professor Null in her vicinity (10 Blocks) and to act.


Thanks to Pylo!

Made with MCreator.



Feel free to support me on Patreon


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What means Verified?

  • Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
  • Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
  • Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
  • Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
  • Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
  • Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
  • Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
  • License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
  • Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.

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How to Install


Download Forge & Java

Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.



Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.


Add Mods

Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder



You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.

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