Galactic Research is an addon for original Galacticraft 4 or Galacticraft-Legacy
It brings new gameplay features into game.
New rockets, telescope, mission control center, research paper, launchpad tower and rocket assembler.
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Space research

You will have to observe and research planets with Telescope and Satellite Rocket in order to unlock them.

Place a telescope, plug some energy and find celestial objects. Your task is to find body, observe it until telescope collects data.
Then place Mission Control Station next to Telescope.

Mission Control Station has to be attached to rocket pad. Next you need to craft satellite rocket and place it on the pad, do not forget about fuel.
You can output mission status and telescope view on GC Screen Blocks

Place blocks close to telescope and mission control station. Like on screenshot for example

Then in MCS (Mission Control Station) select the planet to research, and activate the mission.
Press analyze completed missions button when missions are finished. Boom, you now can fly to the planet.
You can customize all the researchable bodies and other settings regarding research process in the galacticresearch.cfg
If you have Extra Planets or Galaxy Space addon you will have to research solar systems. In order to do that you need to place Communication Dish and link it to Mission Control Center. To do that you should use Frequency Module.
Solar systems will appear in MCS and to finally unlock them, you will have to send satellite rocket.
Research papers
Research papers can be used to transfer completed missions from one MCS to anothers.
Modpackers can use predefined papers for loot generation or quests. It require NBT tag "mission"
Minable asteroids and mining rocket
Sometimes there will appear random asteroids in Space. Observe them in telescope, and in MCS select the asteroid mission.
Place mining rocket on the pad and via MCS interface activate the mission. Rocket will fly to the asteroid, dig it and return back to the same pad.
You can customize many aspects of the mining process in the galacticresearch.cfg
Objects locator
MCS can be used as a locator of different objects on planet.
In order to use that functionality you need to build space station on planets orbit.
Then open MCS interface and select the station. Select object to locate and press Locate button.
Currently implemented location of:
villages, mansion, monument, temple, immersive engineering deposits, AE2 metheorites, boss dungeons
Check galacticresearch.cfg for customization
Integration with Computers
Telescope and Mission Control Station has integration with OpenComputers and Computercraft.
So you can fully automate research flow, locator and mining of asteroids.
List of methods:
telescope.rotateTelescope(x, y)
Hard Mode for Dungeon Boss fight
Can be disabled in config. Brings boss fight more challenging.
Now players can't fly in a boss room (no gravisuites or angel rings anymore)
Skelleton boss:
Regenerating and attacking player while holding him. He also adds withering and blindness effect on player.
Summons evolved skeletons around himself
Creeper boss:
Casting fire underneath player (pyrokinetic)
Summons evolved creepers
Spider quen:
Can plase web underneath player and around him
Sometimes can poison player
Summons evolved spiders
Consider issue tracker for new features and bugs.
Mod commands:
/research objects - outputs list of all researchable objects
/research reset - clear researched bodies for player
/research mars|moon|jupiter..... - add researched body for player
/asteroids generate - generates 1 asteroid
/asteroids generate 5 - generates 5 asteroids
/asteroids clear - removes all asteroids
Мод добавляет функционал исследования небесных тел, для разблокирования возможности к ним летать или для автоматического майнинга с помощью добывающей ракеты.
Используй телескоп, что бы наблюдать за небесными телами. Поставь рядом Станцию Управления Миссиями. Станция должна стоять рядом с ракетной площадкой.
В станции выбери планету и отправь спутниковую ракету кнопкой активировать миссию.
Дождись окончания миссии и нажми кнопку анализировать данные. После этого планета будет разблокирована.
Для майнинга астероидов делается все то же самое, но с использованием добывающей ракеты.
Ракета улетит, добудет ресурсы и вернется обратно.
Станция контроля миссий может быть использована для локации объектов на планете. Для этого нужно на орбите планеты построить космическую станцию.
Далее выбираем ее в интерфейсе, выбираем объект, можем указать координаты от которых начинается поиск.
Локатор может находить данжи, крепости, деревни, усадьбу, жилы из immersive engineering и метеориты AE2.
Вся работа с телескопом и станцией может быть автоматизирована с помощью компьютеров (openComputers, Computercraft)
методы компонентов преведены выше.
Хард мод битвы с боссами
Можно вырубить в конфиге.
Усложняет бой. В комнате босса нельзя летать.
Боссы призывают мобов на помощь. Могут накладывать некоторые эффекты и тд.
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What means Verified?
Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.
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How to Install
Download Forge & Java
Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.
Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.
Add Mods
Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder
You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.