Note: Since it was developed for private purpose with no intentions of publication, code may be poorly optimized and may be there some holes in logical structures of the mod itself
For now This mod mainly adds:
- More realistic food crafting recipes
- Basic Metallurgy
- Alcohol Drinks and Brewery
- Magic Altars (Gives Buffs in exchange for EXP)
- Plants and Crops (8 Types of Grapes, Green Tea, Black Tea, Corn, Rice, Tomato)
- Campfire Crafting Small Porions (Currently only 2)
- Overall about 130+ Crafting recipes
- Redstone Lightsaber (Empowered by Redstone, consumes it while turning ON/OFF)[item name: "RE Sword"]
- New Ores (Silver Ore, Salt Ore, Netherite Ore) [not working in prerelease versions]
Generally i haighly suggest using some recipe-showing mod all along cuz of giantic amount of recipes, however if you preffer not to, then you have here listed them all in this Pseudo-Code Version:
PS: Sorry for my grammar, however english is not my native language :-)
- To activate RE-Blade, you need click right mouse button, while holding RE-BLADE in hand, and having at least 1 redstone dust in toolbar.
- To repair RE-Blade, you need to deactivate it (before it breaks) by clicking right mouse button, and then activate it while holding redstone dust
- To fill Soul Cauldron, you need to click on it, while holding in had SOUL ESSENCE
- To fill Cooking Cauldron, you need to click on it while holding in hand ANY FOOD ITEM [after mixing 3 food items, you will get final dish in eq]
- To acquire SOUL ESSENCE you need to click right mouse button while holding in hand SOUL SCYTHE (it consumes 1 level of your EXP)
- To get bonus from altars, you need to charge them using your exp. Right click on them, while having level above 30. It will consume 1 level.
After charging altar you can acquire bonus by right clicking it.
Salted Porkchop = Porkchop + Stone_salt ==> Smoker() =>Cooked Version
Herbal Porkchop = Porkchop + Herbs ==> Smoker() =>Cooked Version
Spieced_Porkchop = Porkchop + Spices ==> Smoker() =>Cooked Version
Tofu = bamboo + pink_sugar + pumpken_seeds + stone_salt
Smoked Tofu = Smoker(Tofu)
Grilled Tofu = Campfire(Tofu)
Raw_Rice = 9x Rice_Seeds
Rice = Furnance(Raw_Rice)
Wild_Grapes_Block = Wild_Grapes_Seeds
Wild_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Wild_Grapes) OR Vines + Diamond_Powder
Wild_Grapes = Drop(Wild_Grapes_Block)
Cake_Bottom = Furnance/Campfire(Raw_Cake_Bottom)
Raw_Cake_Bottom = Crafting(3xMilk_Bucket + 2xSugar/Pink_Sugar + Egg + 3xBag_of_Flour) / Crafting(3xMilk_Bucket + Egg + 3xBag_Of_Milky_Flour)
Cake = Crafting(Cake_Base + Egg + Sugar/Pink_Sugar)
Pumpkin_Slice = Crafting(Iron_Knife + Pumpkin)
Raw_Pumpkin_Pie = Crafting(6xPumpkin_Slice + Sugar/Pink_Sugar + Egg + Bag_Of_Flour) / Crafting(6xPumpkin_Slice + Egg + Bag_Of_Milky_Flour)
Pumpkin_Pie = Furnance/Campfire(Raw_Pumpkin_Pie)
Slice_Of_Pumpkin_Pie = Crafting(Pumpkin_Pie + Iron_Knife)
Raw_Cookie = Crafting(Bag_of_Flour + Cocoa_Powder + Sugar/Pink_Sugar)
Raw_Milky_Cookie = Crafting(Bag_of_Milky_Flour + CacaoBeans + Sugar/Pink_Sugar)
Raw_Pink_Cookie = Crafting(Bag_of_Milky_Flour + Egg + Pink_Sugar)
Cookie = Furnance/Campfire(Raw_Cookie)
Pink_Cookie = Furnance/Campfire(Raw_Pink_Cookie)
Milky_Cookie = Furnance/Campfire(Raw_Milky_Cookie)
Bread_Slice = Crafting(Bread + Iron_Knife)
Carrot_Slices = Crafting(Carrot + Iron_Knife)
Sugarcane_Juice = Crafting(Mortor + Bottle_of_Water + Sugar_Cane)
Sugar = Furnance/Campfire(Sugarcane_Juice)
Cocoa_Powder = Crafting(Cocoa_Beans x 3 + Mortar)
Chocolate_Bar = Crafting(Cocoa_Powder + Milk_Buker + Egg + Sugar/Pink_Sugar + Butter)
Chocolate_Piece = Crafting(Chocolate_Bar)
Butter = Crafting(2xMilk_Bucket + Salt/Stone_Salt)
Cup_Of_Wine = Crafting(1x(ANY)Bottle_Of_Wine + 8xGolden_Cup/8xSilver_Cup)
Herbal Tea = bowl + pink_sugar + fern + grass
Herbal Tea = bowl + pink_sugar + herbs
Sweet Berries Tea = bowl + sweet_berries + sweet_berries + pink_sugar
Black_Tea = Black_Tea_Leaf + pink_sugar
Green_Tea = Green_Tea_Leaf + pink_sugar
Beer = Leaven + Wheat + Glass Cup + Sugar/Pink_Sugar ===> Campfire() => Beer 0%
Sweet Berries Beer = Leaven + Wheat + Glass Cup + Pink_Sugar + Sweet_berries ===> Campfire() => Sweet Berries Beer 0%
Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + pink_sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Wild_Grapes
Bottle_Of_Regular_Wine = Leaven + pink_sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Grapes
Bloody_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + pink_sugar/sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Bloody_Grapes + bottle_of_blood
White_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + Sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + White_Grapes
Makai_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + Sugar + Pink_Sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Makai_Grapes
Pink_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + Sweet_Berries + Pink_Sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Pink_Grapes
Green_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + Pink_Sugar/Sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Green_Grapes
Lunar_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + pink_sugar/sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Lunar_Grapes + Lapis_Lazuli
Bright_Bottle_Of_Wine = Leaven + sugar + (moded)Glass_Bottle + Bright_Grapes + Sugarcane_Juice
Wine_Glass = 8x empty_wine_glass + Bottle_Of_Wine
Bloody_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Bottle_Of_Blood)
Lunar_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Lapiz_Lazuli)
Light_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Glowstone_Dust)
White_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Quartz)
Makai_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Netherwart)
Pink_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Pink_Sugar)
Green_Grapes_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Wild_Grapes_Seeds + Green_Dye)
Tomato_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Red_Dye)
Maize_Seeds = Crafting(Diamond_Powder + Yellow_Dye) OR Crafting(Maize)
Green_Tea_Leaf = Oak_Leaves + diamond_Powder
Black_Tea_Leaf = Dark_Oak_Leaves + diamond_Powder
Rice_Seeds = Wheat_Seeds + Diamond_Powder
Small Regeneration Potion = lapis lazuli + small bottle + herbs + pink_sugar ==> Campfire(potion)
Herbs = fern + grass + Mortar
Spices = stone_salt + wheat_seeds + pumpkin_seeds + betroot_seeds + Mortar
Stone_salt = Stone_Cutter(Granite)
Pink_Sugar = furnance(beetrood)
Leaven = wheet + stone_salt/salt + mooshrom(brown)/crimson_fungus/warped_fungus + sugar/pink_sugar
Diamond_Powder = StoneCUtter(Diamond)
empty_wine_glass = 4 glass(szyba) + stone_salt
(moded)Glass_Bottle = 2 glass(szyba) + stone_salt
Salt_Bucket = Campfire(Water_bucket)
Salt = Crafting(Salt_Bucket)
Maize = Crafting(Maize_with_Leaves)
Golden_Cup = StoneCutter(Gold_Ingot)
Silver_Cup = StoneCutter(Iron_ingot)
Wooden_Mug = StoneCutter((ANY)planks)
Bag_Of_Flour = Crafting((poziomo) 3xwheat)
Bag_Of_Milky_Flour = Crafting (2xBag_Of_Flour + 1xMulk_Bucket + 1xSugar/Pink_Sugar)
Bread = Crafting(2xBag_Of_Flour + egg + leaven)
Iron_Knife = Crafting(1xStick + 1xIron_Ingot (po przekątnej))
Mortar =Crafting(3xSteel_Ingot + 1xIron_Ingot + 1xStick)
Raw_Slime_Ball = Crafting(1xMorator + 1xSugarcane_Juice + 2xlime_dye + 3xSugar + 2xBone_Meal)
Slime_Ball = Furnance(Raw_Slime_Ball)
Skelly_Loot_Box = Crafting(1xEmerald + 8xBone)
Andesite_Bricks = Stonecutter(Andesite)
Dirote_Bricks = Stonecutter(Diorite)
Granite_Bricks = StoneCutter(Granite)
Oak_Plank_Wall = Stonecutter(Oak_Planks)
Paper_Wall = Crafting(4xStick + 5xPaper)
Paper_Wall_Oak = Crafting(4xStick + 4xPaper + 1_Oak_Planks)
Meer_Bricks = Crafting(1xLight_Blue_Dye + 8xStone_Bricks)
Makai_Bricks = Crafting(1x Purple_Dye + 8xStone_Bricks)
Old_Planks = Crafting(8xOak_Planks + 1xLight_Gray_Dye)
White_Planks=Crafting(8xOak_Planks + 1xWhite_Dye)
Golden_Cross = StoneCutter(Gold_Ingot)
Plank_Wall = Stonecutter((ANY)Planks)
Lava_Altar = Crafting(6xPolished_Andesite + 2xLava_Bucket + 1xDeepslate_Emerald_Ore)
Soul_Cauldren = Crafting(1xKocioł + 1xDiamond + 1xDeepslate_Lapiz_Ore + 1xLapiz_Ore)
Recreator = Crafting(2xBlaze_Rode + 1xLight_Blue_Glass_Block + 2xIron_Ingot + 1xRedstone_Dust + 3xOak_Slabs)
Smithing_Powder = Coal + Charcoal + gunpowder + stone_salt
Steel_Ingot = SmithingTable(Iron_Ingot + Smithing_Powder)
Reinforced_Iron_Armor = SmithingTable(Iron_Armor + Iron_Ingor)
Steel_Armor = Armor(Steel_Ingot)
Molten_Gold = BlastFurnance(Gold_Nugget)
Molten_Copper = BlastFurnance(Copper_Ingot)
Gold_Coin = SmithingTable(molten_gold + smithing_powder)
Gold_Coins = Crafting(9xGold_Coin)
Molten_Diamond = BlastFurnance(Diamond_Powder)
Molten_Iron = BlastFurnance(Iron_Nugget)
Diamond_Coin = SmithingTable(Molten_Diamond + smithing_powder)
Diamond_Coins = Crafting(9xDiamond_Coin)
Molten_Emerald = BlastFurnance(Emerald)
Emerald_Coin = SmithingTable(molten_Emerald + smithing_powder)
Emerald_Coins = Crafting(9xEmerald_Coin)
Soul_Scythe = Crafting(2xStick + 1xDeepslate_Diamond_Ore + 2xSteel_Ingot)
Note: This is an Experimental mod that adds lots of basic stuff good for RPG Worlds, originally it was made for my private usage on singleplayer, however, due to the high amount of content I decided to make it public.The mod will be developed forehead, however, I'm not going to do backward version updates, that means that whenever I add new items/repos/stuff in an update, I will not change anything in previous game versions.
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What means Verified?
Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.
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How to Install
Download Forge & Java
Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.
Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.
Add Mods
Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder
You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.