import mods.J0B10.tweaks.GardenCloche;
# Register the given ingredient as fertilizer with the given growth multiplier.
# Will throw an exeception for ingredients such as <*> that can't be resolved
# to a list of items.
registerItemFertilizer(IIngredient fertilizer, float multiplier);
# "Register the given fluid as fertilizer with the given growth multiplier.
registerFluidFertilizer(ILiquidStack fluid, float multiplier);
# Register the given seed so it can be grown in the Graden Cloche.
# Specifying a list of drops, the needed soil and optionally a block to
# display visually inside the cloche.
# If no soil is specified, dirt is used instead.
# If no display block is specified, the seed is used as block.
# This may result in texture errors if the item can't be a block.
registerCrop(IItemStack seed, IItemStack[] drops,
@Optional IIngredient soil, @Optional IBlock display);