Beta Modpages Unclaimed


Adds a bunch of iconic items based on the internet community of Cristianghost

Created by sebaekisdee






Rework de un proyecto viejo, con el fin de dejar mi marca en la comunidad de la Aweonaso Gang, agradecer todos los momentos que pasé viendo al Cristian, y una despedida ante mi inminente retiro de viewer constante que no se pierde ni un vod de Cristianghost. Este Mod debe ser tomado con humor, no añade funciones de gran impacto en el gameplay, se autosustenta a si mismo con contenido propio con funciones decorativas, representativas, de entretenimiento, admiración y homenaje.



Rework of an old project, in order to leave my mark on the Aweonaso Gang community, to thank all the moments I spent watching Cristianghost, and a farewell to my imminent retirement as a constant viewer who doesn't miss a single Cristianghost vod . This Mod should be taken with humor, it does not add functions with a great impact on the gameplay, it supports itself with its own content with decorative, representative, entertainment, admiration and tribute functions.

Rendered Image


[Español] Descripción de los items y bloques

Los que tengan un simbolo de $ se pueden conseguir a través del tradeo aleatorio con el Chat:

-$ [Humo] Item arrojadizo que genera una pequeña explosión que solo causa daño

- [Pastillas para la Esquizofrenia] Consumible que sirve para anular los efectos del evento aleatorio "Esquizofrenia" al ir a dormir, y también para craftear la poción de la "Garrotera"

-$ [Yogurt con Kétchup] Comida

-$ [Completo con Manjar] Comida

-$ [Pizza] Comida y bloque decorativo, rellena toda la barra de hambre

-[20 Lucas] De momento un Item sin forma de obtención, te da 20 Epicoins al dar clic derecho. Basado en el spam de "Cristian si te diera 20 Lucas podrias vivir en el solo q dises  ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

- [Las Cocodrilo] Arma que causa gran daño debido a su oxidación

-$ [Picófono] Arma que también sirve para reproducir las frases más icónicas y representativas de Cristianghost al hacer clic derecho

- [Contrato de Booyah!] Ítem que te da 64 Epicoins al hacer clic derecho, se consigue derrotando al boss Cristianghøst

-$ [Taza de Chayanne] Bloque decorativo basado en la taza que tiene el Cristian IRL


- [Completo Normal] Comida

-$ [Coca-Cola 8 Bits] Comida

- [Epicoin] Ítem que sirve para tradear con el mob "Chat" y para apostar con el comando /apuestas. Puede ser obtenido matando mobs del mod o consiguiendo el "Contrato de Booyah"

- [Bandera] Bloque que hace referencia a las banderas que posee Cristianghost en la vida real, al hacer clic derecho se cambia la textura de la bandera en un orden definido.

          -Bandera de Tyler, the Creator

          -Bandera de Kanye West

          -Bandera de Cory, el aweonaso

          -Bandera de McLovin

          -Bandera de Minion

          -Bandera de Miguelito

          -Bandera de KungLeo

          -Bandera de Homero Simpson realista

          -Bandera del beso entre MoaiGr y Cristiaghost

          -Bandera de Porta

-$ [Alfombra del Epico] Bloque decorativo basado en la alfombra que tiene el Cristian IRL

-$ [Peluche de Pepe the Frog] Bloque decorativo basado en el peluche que tiene el Cristian IRL

-$ [Semillas de Pecky Planta] Sirven para spawnear una planta basada en Cattail de Plantas vs Zombies y la gata Pecky del Cristian, planta que atacará a toda entidad bajo el tag de "monster"

-$ [Spawner de Mierdon] Item que sirve para spawnear a Mierdon, un perro con demencia y leishmania

- [Poción de la Garrotera] Poción que da grandes atributos, basada en una anécdota de la infancia del Cristian, crafteable con una poción mundana y las pastillas

-$ [Silla de Ruedas] Medio de transporte basado en la silla toda fea del Cristian que parece silla de parapléjico wuajaja

-$ [Maquina de Ejercicio] No sirve para nada, igual que la que tiene el Cristian IRL que solo está para decorar OMEGALUL

- [Spawner del Chat] Sirve para spawnear el Chat bruh

*Nuevas pinturas al item del minecraft vanilla de las pinturas


[English]  Description of the items and blocks

Those with a $ symbol can be obtained through random trading with the Chat:

-$ [Smoke] Throwable item that generates a small explosion that only deals damage

- [Schizophrenia Pills] Consumable used to nullify the effects of the random event "Schizophrenia" when going to sleep, and also to craft the "Garrot" potion

-$ [Yogurt with Ketchup] Food

-$ [Hot-Dog with Manjar] Food

-$ [Pizza] Food and decorative block, fills the entire hunger bar

- [20 Lucas] At the moment an Item with no way to obtain, gives you 20 Epicoins when you right click. Based on the spam of "Cristian if I gave you 20 Lucas you could live in the lone what do you say? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

- [The Crocodile] Weapon that deals high damage due to its oxidation

-$ [Picophone] Weapon that also serves to reproduce the most iconic and representative phrases of Cristianghost when right-clicking

- [Booyah! Contract] Item that gives you 64 Epicoins when you right click, it is obtained by defeating the boss Cristianghøst

-$ [Chayanne's Cup] Decorative block based on the cup that Cristian IRL has

- [Full Normal] Food

-$ [Coca-Cola 8 Bit] Food

- [Epicoin] Item used to trade with the "Chat" mob and to bet with the /apuestas command. It can be obtained by killing mobs from the mod or getting the "Booyah! Contract"

- [Flag] Block that refers to the flags that Cristianghost has in real life, right-clicking changes the texture of the flag in a defined order.

         -Flag of Tyler, the Creator

         -Kanye West flag

         -Flag of Cory, the aweonaso

         -McLovin Flag

         -Minion Flag

         -Miguelito flag

         -KungLeo Flag

         -Realistic Homer Simpson flag

         -Flag of the kiss between MoaiGr and Cristiaghost

         -Porta flag

-$ [Epic Carpet] Decorative block based on the carpet that Cristian IRL has

-$ [Pepe the Frog Plush] Decorative block based on the plush that Cristian has IRL

-$ [Pecky Plant Seeds] They are used to spawn a plant based on Cattail from Plants vs. Zombies and Cristian's Pecky cat, a plant that will attack any entity under the "monster" tag

-$ [Mierdon Spawner] Item used to spawn Mierdon, a dog with dementia and leishmania

- [Potion of Garrotera] Potion that gives great attributes, based on an anecdote from Cristian's childhood, can be crafted with a mundane potion and pills

-$ [Wheelchair] Means of transportation based on Cristian's ugly chair that looks like a paraplegic chair LMAO

-$ [Exercise Machine] It is useless, just like the one Cristian IRL has that is only there to decorate OMEGALUL

- [Chat Spawner] Used to spawn the Chat bruh

* New paintings to the vanilla minecraft item of the paintings




[Español] Descripción y origen de los mobs:

- [Fantasma] Basado en una anecdota de Cristianghost donde unos fantasmas asaltaban la intimidad de Cristian. Te vendrán a atacar si sufres un ataque de Esquizofrenia al intentar dormir

- [Causa del Perú] Mob neutral que dropeará la polera de su selección al morir. Basado en el gran apego y presencia de Perú en la Aweonaso Gang 

- [Antonio el Hacker] Mos hostil que puede dropear su mascara o el Picófono. Basado en la vez que el Cristian perdió un si te ries pierdes por este meme

- [El Chat] Mob neutral y el mas importante del mod, ya que es el medio donde se consiguen gran parte de los items con su sistema de tradeo aleatorio. Este mob se basa en la representación que Cristian quiso darle a su comunidad, de ahi que se llame Chat, referente a su chat de Twitch


- [Baneado] Mob hostil basado en un niño jugandoselas de Edgy

- [Mod] Mob neutral que velará por acabar con todos los mobs bajo el tag de "monster"

- [Pecky Planta] Mob acuatico neutral que velará por acabar con todos los mobs bajo el tag de "monster"

- [Mierdon] Mob neutral que puede ser domesticado con carne podrida

- [Miguelito] Mob neutral que está para darle encanto al mod

- [ChanchoGhost] Mob pacífico que podrás montar a grandes velocidades

- [BOSS Cristianghøst] Mob hostil que se encuentra en la estructura "Plaza de Linares". Representa el pasado de Cristianghost, de ahi que habite en Linares, sus drops también están enfocados en representar lo que era Cristianghost antes de empezar su canal principal. Sus mayores debilidades son las explosiones y el fuego, así que yo empezaría quemando Linares


[English] Description and origin of the mobs:

- [Ghost] Based on an anecdote from Cristianghost where some ghosts assaulted Cristian's intimity. They will come to attack you if you suffer an attack of Schizophrenia while trying to sleep

- [Peruvian Homie] Neutral mob that will drop the shirt of his selection when he dies. Based on the great attachment and presence of Peru in the Aweonaso Gang

- [Antonio the Hacker] Mob hostile that can drop his mask or the Picophone. Based on the time that Cristian lost a if you laugh you lose for this meme

- [The Chat] Neutral Mob and the most important in the mod, because a large part of the items are obtained with its random trading system. This mob is based on the representation that Cristian wanted to give to his community, thats why he called him "Chat", referring to his Twitch chat

- [Banned] Hostile mob based on a kid messing around with being an edgy

- [Mod] Neutral mob that will attack that all mobs under the "monster" tag

- [Pecky Plant] Neutral aquatic mob that willl attack all the mobs under the "monster" tag

- [Mierdon] Neutral mob that can be tamed with rotten meat

- [Miguelito] Neutral mob that is there to give the mod charm

- [PigGhost] Peaceful Mob that you can ride at high speeds

- [BOSS Cristianghøst] Hostile mob found in the "Linares Square" structure. He represents Cristianghost's past, thats is why he lives in Linares, his drops are also focused on representing what Cristianghost was before starting his main channel. His biggest weaknesses are explosions and fire, so I would start by burning Linares.









[Español] Descripción y Origen de las armaduras, de izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo:

- [Cabeza de Cristianghøst] La textura de este boss se basa en la antigua representación del creador de contenido, la dropea el mismo boss

- [Cabeza del Epico] Basada en el logo e icono de la comunidad que usa Cristianghost en distintos medios

-$ [Poleron Teddy Fresh] Basado en un poleron IRL del Cristian que se volvió caracteristico en la comunidad, al ponerle este item a un cerdo vanilla spawneará el ChanchoGhost

-$ [Beanie de Booyah!] Gorro que representa la epoca en la que Cristianghost streameo en Booyah!

-$ [Poleron de Maruchan] Basado en un poleron IRL del Cristian que se volvió caracteristico en la comunidad

- [Lentes Epicos] Sirven para el crafteo de la cabeza del Epico

-$ [Chaqueta de Fachaghost] Basada en el icono del miembro de la Aweonaso Gang cuya labor es resubir los vods del Cristian, labor que lleva haciendo por más de 3 años

-$ [Beanie Epico] Basado en la afición y gusto que tiene el Cristian por los gorros de este tipo, sumandole el logo de la comunidad para hacerlo más representativo

- [Polera Cristianghost211] Polera basada en una polera IRL que hizo un Cristiansito de 12 años aproximadamente, y que mostró en su página de Taringa. Lo dropea Cristianghøst

- [Cabeza del Chat] Basado en el personaje de la Aweonaso Gang con el mismo nombre,

- [Traje de Completo] Basado en el traje del Chat

- [Mascara de Caballo] Basado en una broma del Cristian del pasado, donde usaba dicha mascara para molestar a gente en público. Lo dropean caballos vanilla y Cristianghøst

- [Polera Japan] Basada en una polera IRL del Cristian que se volvió iconica por una foto con la youtuber IIonqueen, seguido de un extenso meme que hoy en dia es tabú en la comunidad. Lo dropea Cristianghøst

- [Cabeza del Emoji sonriendo con Superioridad]  Basado en el spam de "Cristian si te diera 20 Lucas podrias vivir en el solo q dises  ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

- [Polera de la selección Peruana]  Basado en el gran apego y presencia de Perú en la Aweonaso Gang 

- [Chupalla] Elemento característico del Cristian

-$ [Polera del Aweonaso] La cara de Cory el aweonaso en si ya es un icono en la comunidad, pero la polera en si se basa en la representación del Cristian de una antigua intro de Twitch 

-$ [Cabeza de Nerdge] Elemento recurrente en los streams del Cristian, tanto un personaje a modo de burla que interpreta el Cristian y el emote del NERDGE

-$ [Polera de Kanye] Basado en una polera que tiene el Cristian IRL por ser fan del artista mas funado de la decada

- [Mascara de Antonio]  Basado en la vez que el Cristian perdió un si te ries pierdes por este meme

-$ [Poleron del Viajero] Cristianghostviajero fue/es un miembro reconocido en la Aweonaso Gang por sus memes y su mosaico de Instagram. Este polerón es parte del legado la versión original del mod, añadí su polerón como agradecimiento por algunas ideas y material con el que me había ayudado

- [Olla del Getting Over It] Aunque no está en la foto, como su nombre indica, este replica a la olla de dicho juego. Tendras un movimiento bastante limitado si es que no portas un pico de cualquier material, con el pico podrás impulsarte a grandes alturas como en el juego Getting Over It, juego al cual el Cristian le ha dedicado bastantes horas en stream


[English] Description and Origin of the armors, from left to right and from top to bottom:

- [Cristianghøst's head] The texture of this boss is based on the old representation of the content creator, it is dropped by the boss himself

- [Epico's Head] Based on the logo and icon of the community that Cristianghost uses in different media, the Epico 

-$ [Teddy Fresh sweatshirt] Based on Cristian's IRL sweatshirt that became iconic in the community, putting this item on a vanilla pig will spawn the PigGhost

-$ [Booyah! Beanie] Beanie that represents the time when Cristianghost streamed on Booyah!

-$ [Maruchan's sweatshirt] Based on an IRL Cristian's sweatshirt that became iconic in the community

- [Epic Lenses] They are used to craft the Epico's head

-$ [Fachaghost's jacket] Based on the icon of a member of the Aweonaso Gang whose job is to upload Cristian's vods in YouTube, a job he has been doing for more than 3 years

-$ [Epic Beanie] Based on Cristian's love and taste for hats of this type, adding the community logo to make it more representative

- [Cristianghost211 T-shirt] T-shirt based on an IRL t-shirt made by a tiny Cristian of approximately 12 years old, and that he showed on his Taringa page. Dropped by Cristianghøst

- [Chat Head] Based on the Aweonaso Gang character with the same name,

- [Hot-Dog Outfit] Based on the outfit from the Chat

- [Horse Mask] Based on Cristian's joke from the past, where he used said mask to annoy people in public. Vanilla horses and Cristianghøst drop it

- [Japan T-shirt] Based on an IRL Cristian shirt that became iconic for a photo with the youtuber IIonqueen, followed by an extensive meme that today is taboo in the community. Dropped by Cristianghøst and trading

- [Head of the Smirking Face] Based on the spam "Cristian if I gave you 20 Lucas you could live in the lone what do you say? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

- [Peruvian National Team Shirt] Based on the great attachment and presence of Peru in the Aweonaso Gang

- [Chupalla] Cristian's Characteristic Item

-$ [Aweonaso shirt] Cory the aweonaso face is already an icon in the community, but the shirt itself is based on the representation of Cristian from an old Twitch intro

-$ [Nerdge's head] Recurring element in Cristian's streams, both a character as a mockery that Cristian plays and the NERDGE emote

-$ [Kanye's shirt] Based on a shirt that Cristian IRL has for being a fan of the most cancelled rapper of the decade

- [Antonio's Mask] Based on the time Cristian lost a if you laugh you lose for this meme

-$ [Viajero's sweatshirt] Cristianghostviajero was/is a recognized member of the Aweonaso Gang for his memes and his Instagram mosaic. This sweatshirt is part of the legacy of the original version of the mod, I added his sweatshirt as a way to thank him for some ideas and material that he helped me with.

-[Getting Over It Pot] Although it is not in the photo, as its name indicates, it replicates the pot from the game. You will have quite limited movement if you do not carry a pickaxe of any material in your main hand, with the pickaxe you could jump to great heights like in the game Getting Over It, a game to which Cristian has spent many hours streaming


[Estructura Prision del Chat] [Prision of the Chat Structure]


[Español] Nuevas Funciones:

- [Esquizofrenia]: Al irte a dormir existe un 15% de probabilidad de que sufras una paralisis del sueño, 3 oleadas de fantasmas te ataquen por la noche, sufras efectos negativos, tengas alucinaciones auditivas y la pses mal, por eso lo mejor será tomarte una pastilla

- [Apuestas]: Con el comando /apuestas puedes jugar unos sucios slots, y he de admitir de que solo hay un 45% de probabilidad de que pierdas xd. Al llegar a las

- [Tradeo]: Un Chat te abrirá un menú donde por una Epicoin te dará un item no crafteable totalmente al azar

- [Linares]: Una estructura de gran tamaño donde encontrarás a Cristianghøst encerrado, deberás usar fuego y explosiones ya que este boss es inmune a ataques directos del jugador

- [Prisión]: Una pequeña estructura que hace referencia a momentos como este: Cristianghost castiga al chat (Clip de Cristianghost) - YouTube

- [La Garrotera]: Efecto de poción que da grandes atributos, basada en una anécdota de la infancia del Cristian, crafteable con una poción mundana y las Pastillas para la Esquizofrenia

- [Logros]: {insertar foto de los logros, son como 20 xd}


[English] New functions:

- [Schizophrenia]: When you go to sleep there is a 15% chance you will suffer a sleep paralysis, 3 waves of ghosts attack you at night, suffer negative effects, have auditory hallucinations and have a bad time, so it is best to take a pill

- [Bets]: With the /apuestas command you can play some dirty slots, and I have to admit that there is only a 45% chance that you will lost xd. Arriving at

- [Trading]: A Chat will open a menu where for an Epicoin he will give you a completely random non-craftable item

- [Linares]: A large structure where you will find Cristianghøst locked up, you must use fire and explosions since this boss is immune to direct attacks from the player

- [Prison]: A small structure that refers to moments like this: Cristianghost castiga al chat (Clip de Cristianghost) - YouTube

- [Garrotera]: Potion effect that gives great attributes, based on an anecdote from Cristian's childhood, craftable with a mundane potion and Schizophrenia Pills

- [Achievements]: {insert photo of achievements, there's like 20 xd}




Si el Cristian me da vip en su canal de Twitch, haré una actualización únicamente referente al meme del "Cristian si te diera 20 Lucas podrias vivir en el solo q dises  ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

     -Nueva Dimensión [El Solo]

     -Nuevas Estructuras [El Castillo del Dios del Solo, Aldea del Solo]

     -Nuevos Mobs [El Dios del Solo, Habitantes del Solo, Pecky y Ñoquis secuestradas, Monstruos del Solo, etc]

     -Nuevos Items [Lingote del Solo, 20 Lucas, Bloques del Solo, etc]




If Cristian gives me VIP on his Twitch channel, I will make an update only regarding the "Cristian if I gave you 20 Lucas, you could live in the lone what do you say ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

     -New Dimension [The Lone]

     -New Structures [Lone God's Castle, Lone Village]

     -New Mobs [The God of Lone, Habitants of Lone, kidnapped Pecky and Ñoqui, Monsters of The Lone, etc]

     -New Items [Lone Ingot, 20 Lucas, Lone Blocks, etc]



*Hay un par de errores en cuanto a la Esquizofrenia de las que soy consciente, si encuentran algun otro error o cosa que deberia cambiar no duden en comentarlo

*La estructura de Linares tuvo grandes errores de generación que deberán ser arreglados en actualizaciones posteriores, desafortunadamente y por consecuencia tanto el Boss Cristianghøst y sus dropeos no pueden ser encontrados en el modo Supervivencia, pero si en Creativo

*El peso del archivo se debe a que posee una cantidad considerable de archivos de audio .ogg, no por funciones que puedan afectar al rendimiento de Minecraft



* There's are a couple of errors about Schizophrenia that I am aware of, if you find any other errors or things that should be changed, please comment it

* The Linares structure have big generation errors that will have to be fixed in later updates, unfortunately and as a consequence both the Boss Cristianghøst and his drops cannot be found in Survival mode, but can be found in Creative

*The size of the file is due to the fact that it contains a considerable amount of .ogg audio files, not due to features that can affect the performance of Minecraft

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What means Verified?

  • Compatibility: The mod should be compatible with the latest version of Minecraft and be clearly labeled with its supported versions.
  • Functionality: The mod should work as advertised and not cause any game-breaking bugs or crashes.
  • Security: The mod should not contain any malicious code or attempts to steal personal information.
  • Performance: The mod should not cause a significant decrease in the game's performance, such as by causing lag or reducing frame rates.
  • Originality: The mod should be original and not a copy of someone else's work.
  • Up-to-date: The mod should be regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and maintain compatibility with the latest version of Minecraft.
  • Support: The mod should have an active developer who provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users.
  • License: The mod should be released under a clear and open source license that allows others to use, modify, and redistribute the code.
  • Documentation: The mod should come with clear and detailed documentation on how to install and use it.

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How to Install


Download Forge & Java

Download Forge from the offical Site or here. If you dont have Java installed then install it now from here. After Downloading Forge you can run the file with Java.



Lounch Minecraft and select your Forge istallation as Version this will create a Folder called Mods.


Add Mods

Type Win+R and type %appdata% and open the .minecraft Folder. There will you find your Folder called Mods. Place all Mods you want to play in this Folder



You are now Ready. Re-start your Game and start Playing.

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